Friday, July 09, 2010

Inter-@ combat

Comment on this post to report your attacks on other @s.



09-07-2010 08:31:44 UTC

ais523 killed me with 12 damage, and took my cloak of magic resistance.

I respawned as a wizard and one-shotted Qwazukee with my wand of cold for exactly 10 damage (after AC). I’m now wearing his leather armour.

Let’s weed out the low-level @‘s, people.


09-07-2010 13:33:37 UTC

Uh, what? Rule 2.8 requires that each attacke made on another player be made on a separate story post.


09-07-2010 13:51:08 UTC

It doesn’t, actually. Rule 2.8 only says that @‘s should report their attacks in (the comments to) “a new story post”. By my interpretation, this post, having recently been created, qualifies for that position.


09-07-2010 14:03:17 UTC

When would this post cease to be “new”, then?


09-07-2010 14:12:00 UTC

On a cosmic scale, not until Kevan’s 425235825th dynasty.


09-07-2010 14:38:25 UTC

It’s a bit silly, given that inter-@ combat could easily be done entirely in the GNDT (and I assumed that was the case upon reading the rule; sorry for not reporting it, and thanks Purplebeard for reporting it for me).


09-07-2010 14:40:49 UTC

I’d like to remind everyone involved in PvP that you cannot choose your role for 12 or more hours after respawning and that you do not get Kills for killing other @s.


09-07-2010 17:29:56 UTC

As such, can I please un-die?


09-07-2010 20:19:06 UTC

Oops. I reverted your death, repicked my role and attacked you again. 16-2=14 damage kills you.


09-07-2010 23:05:18 UTC

Thank you. Gosh, can’t even kill me properly. :p


10-07-2010 22:03:39 UTC

I hit Coppro for 10-2=8 damage.


11-07-2010 08:20:11 UTC

I finish coppro off with 9-2=7 damage.


14-07-2010 17:54:00 UTC

I hit Qwazukee for 11 and one-shot him.


15-07-2010 10:14:49 UTC

I blast glopso for 9-2=7 damage, leaving em at 3. Sorry about that, but I couldn’t trade my spellbook otherwise.


15-07-2010 21:45:39 UTC

I rAge quit and hit myself for 6 damage. My lifeless corpse falls to the ground as a part of me freezes off.


16-07-2010 22:07:38 UTC

@glopso: As per Rule 1.9, you cannot take actions under dynastic rules during Hiatus (i.e. while there’s a pending DoV).  Reverted.


17-07-2010 08:09:56 UTC

I attack glopso with 7 damage and kill him.


18-07-2010 09:36:18 UTC

I attack h2g2guy for 9 damage, leaving em at 1 hp.


19-07-2010 14:35:07 UTC

I punch h2g2guy for 1 damage, killing em.


20-07-2010 08:20:09 UTC

I kill Put with 11+12-2=21 damage.


21-07-2010 08:27:24 UTC

I attacked Josh twice (using a potion of conflict for the second attack), doing 5+11-1 then 8+15-1 damage with my dualwielded wands. (I initially rolled the wrong sort of die for his armour, but corrected it.) I took his highly enchanted sword as my reward.


21-07-2010 08:32:56 UTC

I kill Darth Cliche with 13-1=12 damage.


21-07-2010 13:53:51 UTC

Posting to subscribe to thread.


22-07-2010 08:57:45 UTC

I hit Darknight for 9+2-2=9 damage after some unfortunate dice rolling. E has 9 HP left.


23-07-2010 09:01:31 UTC

13-1=12 damage finishes Darknight off.


23-07-2010 14:59:04 UTC

I hit Ienpw III for 8-1=7 damage. 3 HP remaining.


23-07-2010 15:21:06 UTC

Ienpw III is, in fact, down to 2 HP, rolls of DICE0 always return 0, per rule 3.2.1, first bullet-point.


24-07-2010 00:24:18 UTC

I oneshotted-lilomar with dual-wielded wands and a potion of beserk rage (to ignore his armour); 11+14-0 damage was easily enough to kill him. Unfortunately, a wand broke in the process.


24-07-2010 01:01:23 UTC

I attack Ienpw III with my bare fists for 1 damage (-0 armor). 1 HP remaining.


24-07-2010 04:07:15 UTC

I attack Rodney for 9-3=6 damage.


24-07-2010 09:27:56 UTC

I punch Ienpw III in the head for 2 damage and kill him.


24-07-2010 17:39:47 UTC

I thwack DC back for 4+1-1 damage.


25-07-2010 04:52:35 UTC

I attack Kyre for 2 damage. The gloved bandit strikes again!


25-07-2010 10:36:28 UTC

12 damage kills Kyre.


25-07-2010 22:17:51 UTC

I crush DC for 12-1+1 damage.


26-07-2010 03:56:50 UTC

I bop Rodney on the head for 2, unfortunately, his armor deflects all damage.


26-07-2010 09:17:45 UTC

I attack Rodney for 9-4 damage, leaving them at 13 HP.


26-07-2010 09:18:07 UTC

Er, that was 13-4=9 damage.


27-07-2010 00:17:05 UTC

I attacked Galdyn 4 times, using 3 potions of conflict for the last 3 attacks, as follows:
13+8 damage with wands and a potion of beserk rage (then a wand broke);
8+3-10 damage with a +3 two-handed sword;
13+3-4 damage with a +3 two-handed sword;
6+3-5 damage with a +3 two-handed sword.

Rules question: because I was Fighting Galdyn, does that mean he “has Fought in the last 48 hours”?


27-07-2010 00:38:18 UTC

I attacked Rodney for 15 - 5 = 10 damage. (he’s down to 1hp)


27-07-2010 03:46:00 UTC

Sorry, used the wrong dice to attack with. 11-5=6 damage. Rodney is at 5hp.


27-07-2010 03:54:00 UTC

I attacked ais523 with a Energy Sword and a Mace

10d1, 1d6: 15 dmg

used pot of conflict to attack again

10d1, 1d6: 11 dmg

26 total dmg, ais has 21 HP

he is dead


27-07-2010 03:56:34 UTC

btw took his +3 Two-handed sword that he took from josh

redtara: they/them

27-07-2010 04:04:33 UTC

I think I attacked Rodney for 12-3=9 damage