Sunday, March 21, 2021

Proposal: Ispettore for All

Timed out and failed, 2 votes to 4. Josh

Adminned at 23 Mar 2021 17:54:43 UTC

In the rule “Impending Rules”, after

generating a secretly random Hand of seven Cards for each of them (as if both those sets of Cards had been taken from the same shuffled version of the Deck).


The dealer shall secretly randomly choose two Cards from each Hand to be Eyes, and append the names of each Player’s Eyes to the Table. If randomizing using a physical deck of cards, these Eyes shall be the last two Cards drawn into the Hand.

Add a new paragraph to the Impending Rules as the fourth paragraph-

An Eye may not be named in a Play until after four total Plays have been made in that Game; any attempt to do so is not a Play. If a Player scores a Trick for a Play that is one of their Eyes, that Player gains an additional two-thirds of a point from the Trick.

Add the following text to the end of the rule “Tricks (Impending)”:-

If a Player scores one or more Tricks for a Play that is one of their Eyes, that Player scores an additional Point. This method of scoring is not itself a Trick.

Part of the reason Giolitti seems so random is that scoring is only slightly dependent on what the opponent’s doing. But another part is that, unlike trick-taking games, there’s little way to deduce what the opponent can do - they might be holding a specific card out, but that card’s probably not in the game at all. So there’s little ability to plan around possible opponent moves in the first place.

We can’t capture the deduction dynamic without either greatly increasing the number of cards involved in a Table or shrinking the Deck. But we can directly add the ability to plan around specific Plays by revealing that they’re available in the future.


Kevan: he/him

21-03-2021 19:26:20 UTC


Lulu: she/her

21-03-2021 19:37:59 UTC

i think you typed in something twice

Josh: he/they

21-03-2021 19:45:14 UTC


Lulu: she/her

21-03-2021 19:57:56 UTC



21-03-2021 21:23:17 UTC

oops, “If a Player scores a Trick for a Play that is one of their Eyes, that Player gains an additional two-thirds of a point from the Trick” was supposed to have been removed.

Brendan: he/him

21-03-2021 22:49:05 UTC

against I honestly don’t know how I’d interpret this as an admin, because I don’t know if “Impending Rules” can be referred to as a rule.


21-03-2021 22:57:48 UTC

Impending Rules’ content may be entirely flavor text, but I see no reason their names would be.


21-03-2021 22:58:17 UTC

Or rather, rule names are always flavor text, but we don’t interpret that as being unable to amend them by name.

Kevan: he/him

22-03-2021 10:16:48 UTC

I think the unwanted “that Player gains an additional two-thirds of a point from the Trick” actually has no effect, because “After each Play, the score for that play is calculated based on the instructions in the Tricks subrule.” - the two-thirds gain is not in that subrule.


23-03-2021 16:53:05 UTC

for although points aren’t non-integers, so adding 2/3 does nothing after it gets rounded down.