Proposal: It’s alive! It’s alive!
Failed, six to two. Josh
Adminned at 17 Nov 2009 12:31:28 UTC
Add the following to “Basic Spells”:
Spell: Animation
Activation sequence: “PUPA”
Effect. Creates a non-Apprentice entity, called a “Golem” which shall be added to the GNDT order in such ordered position as the Apprentice who casts it (such Apprentice, the “Master”) directs. The Golem shall be named %(G) (with “%” being substituted with the name, or an abbreviation of the name, of its Master. A Golem has the Ward that its Master had at the moment of the Golem’s creation, and has an initial Workbench consisting of a single “X” rune. Any action or effect that would result in changing a Golem’s Workbench instead destroys the Golem.
Golems can serve as additional protection against Spells that affect other Apprentices based on their position in the GNDT. If the Master does not admin his own creation of a Golem, he should post a story post that describes where the Golem should be placed in the GNDT.