Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Proposal: Laser Tag

Unpopular with Brendan voting AGAINST from Floor 63, where “any Citizen is both occupying the Zone associated with that rule and has a valid Vote of AGAINST on that Proposal”. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Oct 2021 08:02:01 UTC

Move the text of “Household Unit” to the rule “Floors”, placing it after the text “Each Citizen is on a Floor of Earthlink Tower, defaulting to Floor 1. A Citizen’s Floor is publicly tracked.”

Repeal “Household Unit” and enact a new rule entitled Laser Tag in the same position in the ruleset:

Each Citizen may have a publicly tracked Buddy, which can either have no value or be the name of any other Citizen. Citizens may change their Buddy to any legal value as a daily action. If two Citizens have each other’s names as their Buddy, those two citizens are Partners with each other. If they are Floormates, Citizen may move any number of items from their Inventory to their Partner’s Inventory.

If “Now I Have A Blaster” passed, replace “A Citizen with a Blaster or Taser may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a Proposal created by another Citizen with whom they are Floormates at the time the vote is cast, if that proposer does not have a Smoke Grenade” with:

A Citizen with a Blaster or Taser may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a Proposal created by another Citizen with whom they are Floormates and not Partners at the time the vote is cast, if that proposer does not have a Smoke Grenade.


Kevan: he/him

06-10-2021 21:12:34 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

06-10-2021 22:02:48 UTC



06-10-2021 22:04:22 UTC


lemon: she/her

06-10-2021 23:29:31 UTC

for but aren’t there already rules for trading items with others on the same floor?

Brendan: he/him

06-10-2021 23:45:59 UTC

“If they are Floormates, Citizen may move any number of items from their Inventory to their Partner’s Inventory.”—“I am a Floormate with Zack, so I can move items from my Inventory to my Buddy Chiika’s Inventory.”  against

redtara: they/them

07-10-2021 01:25:07 UTC

Not sure that really warrants a vote against. In the first place I don’t really buy the interpretation. In the second it’s a fairly inconsequential, if unintended, effect that can be easily remedied.

redtara: they/them

07-10-2021 05:09:44 UTC

@lemon: Initially I was planning to make the Partner system more powerful (and permanent) but I watered it down for a first go. But yeah it could stand to be changed or enhanced before too long.

Snisbo: she/they

07-10-2021 14:46:24 UTC


Josh: he/they

08-10-2021 07:54:10 UTC
