Proposal: Lightsaber Duels, Part 4
reached a quorum, final vote 5-0—Yoda
non-trivial and no votes contained “We want change!”
Adminned at 20 Jun 2008 06:53:18 UTC
Add a sub-rule titled “Attacks” to rule 2.14 Duelling with the following text:
The only legal attacks in a duel, along with any effects of those attacks to be administered by the DDA Commander or Admin, are listed below. The Duellist performing the attack is called the Attacker; the non-Attacker Duellist is called the Opponent.
*Full Frontal Strike - If the Opponent attacks with a Full Frontal Strike, the Duellists are locked in combat. If not, roll DICEX (where X is the Attacker’s STR statistic minus the Opponent’s AGI statistic). If the result is greater than 1, the attack succeeds and the Attacker wins the Duel.
*Side Swipe - If the Opponent attacks with a Full Frontal Strike, the Attacker wins the Duel. If the Opponent attacks with a Side Swipe, both attacks fail.
Add a new sub-rule titled “Defences” to rule 2.14 Duelling with the following text:
The only legal defences in a duel, along with any effects of those attacks to be administered by the DDA Commander or Admin, are listed below. The Duellist performing the defence is called the Defender; the non-Defender Duellist is called the Opponent. If both Duellists make a defence in the same round, both defences fail and the effects are not administered.
*Lock Attempt - If the Defender’s STR statistic is strictly greater than the Opponent’s AGI statistic, the defence succeeds and the Duellists are locked in combat.
*Evade - Roll DICEX (where X is the Defender’s AGI statistic minus the Opponent’s STR statistic). If the result is greater than 1, the defence succeeds and the Opponent’s attack fails automatically.
The Glossary states that a DICEX roll where X is a non-positive number always yields a value of 0.
If at least half of all counted for votes include the text “We want change!”, add “A Duellist may change his choice by sending another PM to the DDA Commander or Admin before the round ends with his new choice.” just before “To retreat,” in the sub-rule 2.14.1 Rounds.
If less than half of all counted for votes include the text “We want change!”, add “Once a Duellist has made his choice, he may not change it for the duration of that round.” just before “To retreat,” in the sub-rule 2.14.1 Rounds.
I couldn’t think of any other effects of the Side Swipe, but I’m open to suggestions.