Proposal: Manoeuvres in the Dark
Reached quorum, 17 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 19 Jan 2010 04:50:24 UTC
Remove the paragraph beginning “If the Lights are Off, a non-Dormant Guest” from Rule 2.8.1.
To Rule 2.6 (Lights), add:-
If the Lights are Off, a non-Dormant Guest may email the Executor with a list of one or more Dark Actions they wish to take, if they have not already done so since the Lights last went Off. This list is known as a Dark List. The possible Dark Actions are:-
- Move to another room on the same floor. This movement is not tracked in the GNDT, and is instead privately noted by the Executor. When the Lights are turned back On, the Executor will update the GNDT with the Locations of any Guests whose Location changed while the Lights were Off. When a Guest moves between rooms, it makes a Padding Noise in the room they left, and a Creaking Noise in the room they entered.
- Move to another room on any floor. As above, except this action may only be taken by the Detective, the Murderer and the Servants, who all have a better knowledge of Cartlesham Manor.
- Attack a named Guest (known as the Target) that they share a room with. Only the Murderer may take this Dark Action, and a Dark List may contain only one Attack action. Upon taking this Action, if the Target is present in the same room as the Murderer, the Target becomes Wounded. Either way, the attack attempt makes a Crashing Noise in that room.
- Repair the fusebox. This Dark Action may only be taken in the Basement. Upon repairing the Fusebox, the Lights come back On and the remainder of the current Dark List is ignored.
If the Lights are Off and the Executor has any unprocessed Dark Lists in his email inbox which were sent since the Lights last went Off, and whose sender is not Dormant, he may process the oldest of these Lists.
Certain Dark Actions may make a type of Noise in a room. When such an action occurs, the Executor shall privately roll a four-sided die for each Guest in that room; on a 4, that Guest heard the noise. After one or more Dark Lists have been processed, the Executor shall notify any Guests who heard noises during those Lists’ Actions, listing the noises they heard in the order they were made.
Taking a stab at dark movement, so that we can get some murders going. The Murderer gets free reign of the house, so that we can’t easily eliminate everyone who was on a different floor. For now, the Murderer can only Wound people; we can try ramping that up to a straight kill later on.
Roujo: he/him
I was afraid the murderer could go on and wound the entire mansion, but then I saw the “Attack” action can only be taken once. =P