Proposal: Mantle Peace
Reached quorum, 4-0. Josh
Adminned at 26 Feb 2024 14:38:08 UTC
In the Appendix item Pass the Mantle, remove the sentence which reads “Unless a Core, Dynastic or Building Block rule explicitly states otherwise, Passing the Mantle is currently prohibited.”
Add the following to the Building Blocks page, entitled No Cooperation. Unless a majority of the EVCs on this proposal include the phrase “Play Ball”, also add it to the Building Blocks section of the Ruleset with the same title:
In this dynasty, Vassals are expected to avoid co-operating to achieve Victory, except through the use of co-operative mechanisms defined in the Dynastic rules.
Replace the Mantle Passing Building Block on the Building Blocks page with the following, entitled Mantle Limitations:
The Mantle may not be passed during an Interregnum.
Change the bullet point in the Core Rule Fair Play which begins “An Vassal should not trade actions in BlogNomic” to read as follows:
A Vassal should not trade actions in BlogNomic for favors or compensation outside of BlogNomic, nor trade actions in any other game for favors within BlogNomic, nor trade actions or favours in one Dynasty of Blognomic for actions or favours in another Dynasty of Blognomic.
Attempting to thread the needle of the mantle/favour passing debate.
Zack: he/him
Just a small thing but I think “explicitly co-operative mechanisms defined” should be “co-operative mechanisms explicitly defined”.