Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Measured, Focused Calm

This post is just to continue the comment thread for the previous proposal, which is now locked.


Kevan: City he/him

23-10-2007 16:40:12 UTC

Brendan said “So anything not forbidden is permitted?  I’ll concede to the late Mayor’s opinion on this, but for the record, I’m a dissenting opinion.”

No, I quite agree on that; Rule 1.1 specifically tells us that only things which are permitted are permitted. But you are permitted to a nighttime proposal post with “Town Meeting” in its title, according to the standard proposal rule, and there’s nothing else that says that you can’t.

If the Town Meeting mechanic had been written so that they weren’t proposals, they were just blog entries in a certain format, then there’d be no legal way to post one at night. As it stands, though, your illegal Town Meeting was just a perfectly legal proposal that happened to have “Town Meeting” in the title.

Amnistar: he/him

23-10-2007 16:50:01 UTC

which doesn’t automatically fail it, it just makes it a normal proposal, not a town meeting, allowing everyone to vote in it…and probablty causes Kevan to veto it.


23-10-2007 17:28:18 UTC

Oh, we finally have a new veto  icon.  The old one’s been around since the time travel dynasty.

Clucky: he/him

23-10-2007 18:22:48 UTC

yeah. The old veto icon predates me. Which come to think of it, makes it rather old by now =P