Proposal: More Stuntsv
It is important to make decisions that ecourage action that will enhance this Army’s performance in the War. This proposal contains a proposition that would cause an individual soldier to be better than the entirety of the amry, causing discord.
That is all.
General Amnistar
Adminned at 13 Feb 2009 09:30:15 UTC
In rule 2.6 replace the text “As a daily action, a Soldier who is not Dead may perform a ‘Stunt Action’ by (in order) spending 1 AP, selecting a Stunt from the Stage Directions (defined in sub-rule ‘Stage Directions’) for which they meet the ‘Prerequisites’, then performing the ‘Results’ of the Stunt.” with “As a daily action, a Soldier may perform a ‘Stunt Action’ by (in order) spending 1 AP, selecting a Stunt from the Stage Directions (defined in sub-rule ‘Stage Directions’) for which they meet the ‘Prerequisites’, then performing the ‘Results’ of the Stunt. The soldier may not perform stunts if he is dead except for stunts which list being dead as a prerequisite.”
Create a subrule of 2.6.1 called First Aid
Prerequisites: The Stuntperson chooses a Soldier whose Health Statistic is below 7 except for themselves.
Results: The chosen Soldier’s Health Statistic is increased by 2.
Create a subrule of 2.6.1 called Last Ditch Effort
Prerequisites: The Stuntperson’s Health Statistic and AP are 1.
Results: The Stuntperson may perform two Stunt Actions without spending AP, provided those Stunt Actions are taken within 1 hour of using this Stunt Action. The Stuntperson must meet the prerequisites of the chosen stunts.
Create a subrule of 2.6.1 called Death Angel
Prerequisites: The Stuntperson’s Health Statistic at 0.
Results: The stuntperson may cause any one Enemy Combatant’s status to be Dead.
Create a subrule of 2.6.1 called Heroic Rescue
Prerequisites: Another Soldier’s Health dropped to 0 within the last 2 hours and that soldier has not used the Death Angel stunt.
Results: That Soldier’s Health increases to 1, and that Soldier Withdraws from any Skirmish they might be in at the time.
I modified most of these a little bit.
Kevan: he/him