Mountain Camp
Apparently some hardy Explorer braved the cold wilds to set up a Camp in the mountain.
Without a combo! Why so much discretion?
Card, it appears you “jumped” from Base Camp to Science Camp. However, the first sentence of the dynastic rule Explorers is:
If an Explorer has one or more Dog Sleds, they may change their camp to either the camp with the next highest latitude or the camp with the next lowest latitude, both relative to their current camp, by spending 1 Supplies as an Outdoors action.
The latitudinal map on the wiki page Camps makes it pretty clear that Science Camp has neither the next highest nor the next lowest latitude from Base Camp.
In fact, Base Camp and Rebooted Camp both have the same latitude, so there isn’t such a thing as “the Camp with the next lowest latitude” from Base Camp. I believe if you want to travel from Base Camp to Boot Camp, you have to do it latitude by latitude, without Camp-jumping.
” If all Explorers that belong to the same Dog Team are able to move to the same Camp, any Explorer that belongs to that Dog Team may move each team member of their team that they have permission to do so from to that Camp as an Outdoors action.”
And I was able to move to that camp. If you think it should have been moved in separate instances, I could have simply have done the dog sleds thing twice.