Proposal: Never send an admin to do another admin’s job.
Passes 6-0. Enacted 21:49 by Tantusar. (Which is more accurate than the 7:49 I posted earlier. #Australia)
Adminned at 04 Jul 2015 22:03:13 UTC
In rule 2.3 “Convoys”, replace
If the Position of a Convoy is an unoccupied Zone, the Driver of that Convoy may change its Position to the next Zone on its Route, by posting a comment to this effect.
If the Position of a Convoy is a Zone occupied by a Tribe, that Tribe may change the Convoy’s Position to the next Zone on its Route, by posting a comment to this effect.
If a Convoy is in a position, and its Driver’s Effective Strength in the next Zone on that Convoy’s Route exceeds the Effective Strength of the Tribe occupying that Zone (or if there is no such Tribe), then the Driver of that Convoy may Change its Position to that Zone by posting a comment to this effect on the post which initially described that Convoy.
To rule 2.3 “Convoys”, add a subrule called “Support” with the following text:
Each tribe has a Strength value, which defaults to 1. Tribes have an Effective Strength for each Zone, which defaults to their Strength.
Each Tribe has a Support value, tracked in the GNDT, which is “-” by default. As a daily action, a Tribe may change its Support value to be one of “-” or the name of a Tribe.
A Tribe’s Effective Strength for a given zone is increased by 1 for every other Tribe adjacent to that Zone which supports that same Tribe.
This is Iepnw III’s proposal in a post that is neither illegal nor broken or self-killed. Vote on this instead of the illegal post and the one prior to that.
redtara: they/them