Proposal: Nicknames
Fails 2-6. - Qwazukee
Adminned at 02 Aug 2009 19:06:43 UTC
Create a new wiki page, “Nicknames”.
Create a new dynastic rule entitled “Groundhogs or Woodchucks?”:
Every idle and non-idle Bill Murray may have a nickname, tracked in the wiki document “Nicknames”. This takes precedence over rule 1.2. Any time a reference is made to a Bill Murray, that Bill Murray’s nickname may be used instead of the full name. Bill Murrays without a nickname may once modify the Nicknames page to include their new nickname. No other modifications may be made to this page, except in the following circumstance, or when specifically specified:
If a Bill Murray wishes to change his nickname, he may do so by creating a proposal to that effect. The admin who enacts that proposal must also update the Nicknames page accordingly.
Create a subrule to “Groundhogs or Woodchucks?” entitled “Groundhog conflicts”:
If any of the following conditions are violated, take the respective action:
1. No Bill Murray may select a name that is the same as another Bill Murray’s nickname.
2. No Bill Murray may select a nickname that is the same as another Bill Murray’s name.
3. No Bill Murray may select a nickname that is the same as another Bill Murray’s nickname.Actions:
1. The Bill Murray must submit a proposal to change their name within 48 hours.
2. The Bill Murray must submit a proposal to change their nickname within 48 hours.
3. The Bill Murray must submit a proposal to change their nickname within 48 hours.If the above actions are not completed within the time limit required, any Bill Murray may create a proposal to the effect as the one the offending Bill Murray should have made.
Each player who votes on this proposal should include their desired nickname in their EVC.
The admin who enacts this proposal may update the Nicknames page, once, upon creation to include the nicknames of the Bill Murrays who voted on this proposal and selected a nickname in their EVC.
Because I agree that it is annoying to type names like Qwazukee or -I hate to admit it- yuri_dragon_17 repeatedly. However, some players, myself obviously included, do not want to change their name for some (possibly) symbolic or other reason.
If this works out, we could possibly upgrade it to a core rule.
Thanks to Darth Cliche for the inspiration.