Sunday, June 27, 2010

Proposal: No rest for the wicked

Timed out and failed, 5-1. Josh

Adminned at 29 Jun 2010 05:19:51 UTC

Re-write rule 1.2 as follows:

Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if he is not already playing) by registering at via the Register link in the sidebar, and then making a post announcing his arrival. An Admin shall add him to the roster in the sidebar and the GNDT, at which moment he becomes a @. A @ may leave the game at any time by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such an action. A @ may only change his name as a result of a proposal approving the change.

Some @s are Idle, and shall be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of the Ruleset, excluding Rules 1.1, 1.2, and 1.10, Idle @s are not counted as @s. Admins may render a @ Idle if that @ has asked to become Idle or if that @ has not posted an entry or comment in the last seven days. In the latter case, the Admin must announce the idling in a blog post. Admins may de-Idle an @ at his request (unless that @ asked to become Idle within the previous 4 days, and within the current dynasty) - the @‘s personal gamestate retains the values it had immediately prior to his going Idle. If one or more values would be undefined, it is set to the value new @s receive, if such a value exists.

Add the following as a subrule to that rule, entitled Admins:

Some @s are Admins, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. @s who wish to become Admins may sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may voluntarily resign their post. New admins shall be given the GNDT configuration password when they become admins.

Idle Admins may make limited use of their powers. An idle Admin may resolve any proposal that has been open for voting for more than 48 hours, as per rule 1.5; may unidle existing @s at their request, or add new @s; and may resolve Calls for Judgement as per rule 1.6. The capacity of Idle Admins to use their Admin powers does not imply that they are @s in any situation other than those permitted by rule 1.2.

One of the peculiarities of the old rule: Currently, idle @s are still @s for rule 1.8, which means that - despite being idle - DC could continue to perform his functions as RNG, had we not passed them on to Bucky. Idleness is not an inhibitor of imperial function, it seems.


Kevan: he/him

27-06-2010 13:25:12 UTC

(Diffing the two versions of Rule 1.2, the only changes are removing the Admin sentence, and dropping Rule 1.8 from the exemptions.)

I assume the 1.8 exemption was to stop anything weird happening if the Emperor idled out - “Each Dynasty is headed by a single Player known as the Emperor” means that we’d have to somehow automatically assign a new Emperor when the present one idled out. The Veto clause is actually redundant, as Rule 1.4 already gives VETO as a possible vote “if the Votable Matter is a Proposal and the @ is the RNG”.

Idle adminning seems a bit odd, but I don’t know how many idle admins are lurking, or how confident they’d be about enacting a proposal in a dynasty they weren’t playing (either by missing a dynastic change to the voting system and breaking a rule, or being out of the loop on the game direction and enacting a timed-out controversy that players were just agreeing to veto in another thread). If anything, though, I’d worry that an idle admin army would just give active admins a reason to be a bit lazier and leave a pending proposal for someone else to catch, without actually increasing the chance of proposals being enacted. Could try it for a bit to see what difference it makes, though.


27-06-2010 14:09:50 UTC

I could be wrong, but wouldn’t this allow Admins to ignore any special dynastic rules for voting, since they are exempt from those rules?


27-06-2010 14:50:10 UTC

With this revision, I am not sure that there is such a thing as an Idle Admin.

Josh: he/they

27-06-2010 16:04:30 UTC

@Kevan: Certainly I have a tendency to get annoyed if I visit and see red proposals in the queue. And while this may make active admins lazier, they’re already pretty lazy - or at least, they have been for the last couple of dynasties.

@h2g2guy: Yes, that’s certainly the case - any future dynastic proposals that tamper with proposal resolution would need to be idle-admin-proofed. I think it’s easier to do that as and when it happens than try to write the loophole into the core rules, however.


27-06-2010 18:47:35 UTC

against .  Among other objections:

*If Rule 1.8 cannot take into account idle @s, it messes with dynastic naming.
*Since the “except where explicitly referred to as idle @s” got dropped from the “Idle @s are not counted as @s” sentence, and Rule 1.2.1 doesn’t have an exception, “Some @s are Admins” doesn’t include idle @s. As a result, the “idle admin” powers do nothing.

Josh: he/they

27-06-2010 20:09:19 UTC

@Bucky - Fair enough on rule 1.8.

I disagree on your second point, as the second paragraph of 1.2.1 explicitly refers to “idle admins” who may make limited use of their powers. As both “idle” and “admin” are defined terms, a further ruleset exemption isn’t necessary.


27-06-2010 21:06:34 UTC

@Josh: Tell me on which step you disagree with me.
1)Under the current wording, “idle @” is an oxymoron outside of rules 1.1, 1.2, and 1.10. 
2)The phrase “Some @s are Admins” outside of Rule 1.2 therefore does not permit idle @s to be Admins.
3)Since there are no idle @s that are Admins as far as the definition of Admin is concerned, the rules dealing with idle Admins don’t do anything.

Josh: he/they

27-06-2010 21:23:14 UTC

Step 3.

It’s the classic venn diagram problem: some @s are admins, as per rule 1.2.1, but not all admins have to be @s. Once an @ has become an admin they are both an admin and an @; just because they cease to be an @ doesn’t mean that they cease to be an admin. By explicitly entitling idle admins as a class, the proposal confers upon them both powers and limitations.

If you accept the logic that, under the present ruleset, an idle @ is an @ for rule 1.2, and is thus an admin, and thus continues to be an admin under the terms of rule 1.5 - and I hope that you do, because otherwise I adminned a load of proposals illegally - then this is simply a codification of that process. It permits them to act in a limited fashion while defining the extent to which they can abuse the privilege.


27-06-2010 22:45:16 UTC

against The current rule is ok. I’m not too concerned about an Idle RNG doing RNG things, that seems fine by me

Darknight: he/him

28-06-2010 04:22:30 UTC



28-06-2010 05:03:48 UTC

against If there is a disagreement about whether or not idle admins actually can perform any admin duties under the new version, I would rather stick with the old version. Changing it is just going to prompt a CfJ to change it again.