Proposal: Not enough players? Use these cardboard cutouts!
Times out and passes, 6-0. -Bucky
Adminned at 26 Oct 2014 12:42:42 UTC
Add the following text to the rule “The Assistant Referees”:
A Proxy is a non-Player entity designated as such by the rules. Each Proxy has its own GNDT row. Proxies are considered to be Players for the purpose of other Dynastic Rules, except where they explicitly refer to non-Proxy players.
If a rule allows a Player to cause a Proxy to act, that Player can update the gamestate on behalf of that Proxy as allowed by the rules. If a Player needs to make comments or GNDT updates on behalf of a Proxy, they must start the comment with “PROXY (X):” where (X) is the name of the Proxy. Proxies cannot make blog posts.
The Coach may cause any Proxy to act at any time, and should do so to keep the game running smoothly.
Add a new subrule to that rule called “List of Proxies” and give it the following text:
There is a Proxy named McDefense. If McDefense has the Ball, any player may cause McDefense to randomly choose Defense or Midfield player and Kick the Ball to them. Any player may cause McDefense to roll and comment as required by the rule “Shooting the Ball”.
Set McDefense’s Shirt to a valid number to put it on Defense.
Awesome!!! So cool.
I would replace “The Coach may cause any Proxy to act at any time, and should…” with “The Coach is a Player for the purpose of all subrules of the rule “The Assistant Referees”.
Wow Bucky, I commend you. It even fits into Kevan’s laws of the game framework beautifully.