None of the currently Known Spells used Variable Parameters. Just posting this so its clear I did fully carry out the effects of “Some algebra”.
None of the currently Known Spells used Variable Parameters. Just posting this so its clear I did fully carry out the effects of “Some algebra”.
posted by RaichuKFM at 18 Sep 2013 12:54:03 UTC Comments (2)
I would argue that “The available Powers are listed as subrules to “Powersâ€.” does not mean that the listed Powers are the only Powers, merely the only available ones. Previous powers can’t be used in Crafting, but I don’t think those spells are voided.
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Kevan: he/him
Spells in general seem a little sketchy here - although Spells in the Spellbook are just a bunch of “Effects” (which are recorded upon creation and remain unchanged even if the original Power is modified, or repealed), there’s still a line saying that “A Spell consists of one or more Powers”. Which mans that the four add-one-level Spells in the Spellbook are not Spells, because they do not consist of any currently recognised Powers.