Draft Proposal:Now more expensive than ever!
Add a new DL to the list in Rule 2.6.1:
(Dry, Cool, Dark, Strange, Luxurious): Bob’s Fertilizer Bar. Vegetables must be here in order to take certain actions from Rule
Add a new Subrule to Rule 2.6.1. Call it “Bob’s Fertilizer Bar”. Give it the following text:
Any Vegetable in Bob’s Fertilizer Bar whose Beard Length is at least twice eir Tastiness may reduce eir Beard Length by twice eir Tastiness to increase eir Tastinesss by 1.
Any Vegetable in Bob’s Fertilizer Bar whose Beard Length is at least half eir Healthfulness may reduce eir Beard Length by half eir Healthiness (round up) in order to increase eir Healthfulness by 1. Round final Beard Length down.
This wording and steep growth formula should kill most infinite-net-worth scams that could come from this. Let me know if it’s too expensive.