Monday, November 09, 2020

Proposal: Number by Colours

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 Nov 2020 10:22:53 UTC

Add a new rule, “Desiderata”:-

Each Monk has a Desideratum, which is a list of zero or three Colours. Desiderata are tracked privately by the Abbot, along with the time at which they were chosen.

If a Monk has no Colours in their Desideratum, they may privately contact the Abbot with a list of three different Rumoured Pigment Colours. In response, the Abbot should set that Monk’s Desideratum to those Colours.

A Colour’s Prominence is equal to the number of other Colours which appear fewer times than it on the Mosaic. A Monk’s Accomplishment is equal to the total Prominences of the Colours in their Desideratum; unless their Desideratum is the same as that of another Monk (or idle Monk) who chose their Desideratum earlier in the dynasty, in which case the later chooser’s Accomplishment is zero.

The first time that the Mosaic has no White Tiles, it becomes Complete. If the Mosaic has been Completed, then the Abbot may make a blog post naming the Monk with the highest Accomplishment at the time it was Completed as the Artisan: upon doing so, the Artisan achieves victory.

Attempting a victory condition: everyone secretly picks three colours which aren’t on the table yet, and tries to get a lot of them into play, without being too obvious about it.


Sylav: he/him

09-11-2020 10:15:43 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

09-11-2020 12:36:11 UTC



09-11-2020 14:44:52 UTC

for  BUT will propose a repeal if the obvious abuse happens.

robotabc773: he/him

09-11-2020 17:47:10 UTC

How do I know if I’ve chosen the same thing as someone else? I don’t want to accidentally pick someone else’s colors and be unable to win without knowing.

Kevan: he/him

09-11-2020 18:00:49 UTC

You don’t. I was steering this roughly between the rocks of “two players pick the same colours and both win” and “a player’s early colour pick is rejected by the Abbot and they now know the colours of a more-active player” to start out with, but it’d be good to think of a better solution.

robotabc773: he/him

09-11-2020 18:55:06 UTC


Josh: he/they

09-11-2020 20:41:35 UTC


Clucky: he/him

10-11-2020 05:17:10 UTC


I feel like it could use some tweaks. Worry people will select just the popular colors and it’ll advantage the people who got to pick their Desideratum first. But I guess we’ll see where it goes.

Maybe make Desideratum randomly chosen by me and assigned to people instead?

Kevan: he/him

10-11-2020 10:21:39 UTC

Maybe, although the problem with random is that it advantages lucky players: if a strong player is Purple/Orange/Silver, a player assigned similar colours will benefit from their work, while someone with entirely different ones won’t.