Sunday, March 14, 2021

Proposal: Oster Egg Hunt

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Mar 2021 12:11:51 UTC

In the rule The Elective Monarchy, change the second paragraph to read as follows:

Each Elector has a score for Political Power, which is a integer that defaults to the median Political Power of all other Electors, unless all other Electors are Ostracized, in which case it becomes 10. Political Power is privately tracked by the Doge.

Electors also have a Political Heft, which is either 0, if they are Ostracized, or is their Political Power expressed as a percentage of the sum of the Political Powers of all Electors with non-negative scores for Political Power.

An non-Ostracized Elector may transfer any positive integer amount of their own Political Power to another Elector at any time, provided this does not cause the Elector performing the transfer to become Ostracized, either by making a Story Post which clearly specifies the transferred amount and its recipient, or by sending a Private Message to both the recipient of the transfer and the Doge which clearly specifies the transferred amount.

In the same rule change “The Doge may not process changes to any Elector’s Secret Faction while a DoV is pending.” to “The game is in hiatus while a DoV is pending.”

Add a new sub-rule to the rule The Elective Monarchy, called Ostracism:

An Elector may be Ostracized, which is a status that is privately tracked by the Doge. An Elector is is Ostracized if any of the following is true:

* Their Political Power is at or below 0
* Their Scandal is more than half their Political Power

An Elector ceases to be Ostracized if they no longer meet the criteria set out in this rule.

If Proposal: Connect the Dots was enacted, remove the last paragraph from the rule Ethics of the Nobility, and add the following to the bulleted list in the rule Ostricism:

* At any time, a Faction’s Scandal is the sum total of the Scandal of all Electors who have it as their Faction; all members of a Faction with the highest Faction Scandal are Ostracised.

Remove “If an Elector’s Scandal is more than half their Political Power, that Elector is Ostracized.” from Ethics of the Nobility.


Clucky: he/him

14-03-2021 17:22:49 UTC

seems good to be but I’ll wait until we get out of the edit window threshold

Zack: he/him

14-03-2021 17:59:51 UTC

“The is in hiatus while a DoV is pending.” ?

Josh: he/they

14-03-2021 18:20:27 UTC

Thank you; I accidentally a word

Kevan: he/him

14-03-2021 18:33:17 UTC

The “An Elector is is Ostracized if:” bullets are ambiguous in whether you have to meet all of the criteria or any of them.

Josh: he/they

14-03-2021 18:52:23 UTC

Thank you; got to that just in time.


14-03-2021 18:58:18 UTC

I think the default Political Power clause fails catastrophically if multiple electors’ Political Powers get set to default at the same time.

Josh: he/they

14-03-2021 19:00:07 UTC

It’s still better than the current wording, which has very confusing defaults.

Clucky: he/him

14-03-2021 19:46:17 UTC


Kevan: he/him

15-03-2021 12:25:33 UTC

Not sure about “The game is in hiatus while a DoV is pending”, which I missed on first pass. I know we haven’t had any DoVs yet but it seems a bit discouraging to make them full-on freeze-the-game things again.


Raven1207: he/they

15-03-2021 18:52:38 UTC


Josh: he/they

15-03-2021 19:22:52 UTC

imperial s/k

Josh: he/they

15-03-2021 19:27:51 UTC

Oops against