Monday, September 05, 2011

Proposal: Pandora’s Fridge

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan. I’ve taken “the en of the sentence” to mean “end”.

Adminned at 06 Sep 2011 01:42:42 UTC

In rule “Personal Belongings” change “An Item has a Name (which may be any combination of letters and spaces), and may have one or more Flags (* for Uncertain, ^ for Edible, ~ for Damp, ! for Clue)” to:

An Item has a Name (which may be any combination of letters and spaces), and may have one or more Flags (the possible Flags are listed in the “Flags” subrule to this Rule)

Add a new subRule to that rule, called “Flags”:

These are the only Flags an Item may have:
* * Uncertain
* ^X Edible - here X is an integer positive nonzero number, and is the Number of Portions that Item is worth.
* ~ Damp
* ! Clue

Create a new Rule, called “Tasty worms”:

Every Edible Item is worth a number of Portions. Every time a Survivor takes a bite from an Edible Item, they shall reduce the Number of Portions that Item is worth by 1. Whenever an Item becomes worth 0 Portions, it ceases to exist, unless it has a Gamestate effect that states otherwise.

At the time of enactment of this Proposal:
A Raw Fish is worth 2 Portions;
a Slime Mold is worth 1 Portion;
A small keg of twice baked biscuits is worth 3 Portions;
A small icebox full of food is worth 5 Portions;
Any other existing Edible Item is worth 2 Portions.

In Rule “Personal Belongings”, at the en of the sentence reading “He may also add an Edible Flag to any Uncertain Item at any time” add:

In this case, he shall decide the number of Portions that Item is worth.


Kevan: City he/him

05-09-2011 10:30:39 UTC



05-09-2011 10:39:10 UTC

at the en of the sentence reading

I hope this is not a problem.


05-09-2011 11:36:16 UTC

for This could mean the end of the infinite packet of biscuits!


05-09-2011 11:38:28 UTC

It already ended :(

Prince Anduril:

05-09-2011 13:36:14 UTC

I’m pretty sure the last clause does nothing because of the typo (there is no “en” in that sentence). So would probably need a new proposal.

The rest sounds fine though. (I’m bitter because I have no food)

Prince Anduril:

05-09-2011 13:36:40 UTC

for though.


05-09-2011 18:29:37 UTC

for nice

Darknight: he/him

05-09-2011 23:52:48 UTC
