Monday, August 17, 2020

Proposal: Pathfinders with paths


Adminned at 19 Aug 2020 07:32:39 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Cartography:

One Pathfinder is designated as the Cartographer. The current Cartographer is blank. The Cartographer may not be the Leader. If the Cartographer becomes idle then they immediately cease to be the Cartographer; if ever there is no Cartographer then the Computer must canvas all active Pathfinders for volunteers to take the role and then allocate it to one of theinterested parties at random.

A map is held on the Mission Control page depicting the Haniverian Continent, which contains all of the Locations that have been explored by Pathfinders. The Cartographer is responsible for ensuring that this map is up to date; whenever they receive a notofication from a Pathfinder that a new Location has been explored, or if the map does not depict all explored Locations they shall, at their earliest opportunity, carry out the following atomic action:

* Add the new Location to the map
* Add any links to the map
* Re-upload the map to the Mission Control page
* Award themselves 1 Prestige
* Make a blog post announcing that the new Location has been added to the map.

The Cartographer may resign their position at any time by sending a PM to the Computer to that effect. The Computer must acknowledge receipt of that PM at their earliest opportunity; they Pathfinder ceases to be the Cartographer at the moment at which that acknowledgement is sent.

Remove the lines “The Mission Control wiki page also contains a visual depiction of the continent” and “Whenever a Pathfinder successfully completes a Location Action they should then download, amend and re-upload the map on the Mission Control page to show the location and links of the new Location” from the rule Locations.

Change the “Create a new location” Location Action to read as follows:

Explore a new location: roll DICE8. If the result is higher than the number of Locations that are Linked to their current Location, then they may spend 2 Stamina to create a new Location with the characteristics set out above. They must then PM the Cartographer to notify them about the newly explored Location.

If no EVCs on this proposal contain the phrase ‘Mapping Is For Me,’ make the Pathfinder called Josh be the Cartographer.



17-08-2020 19:41:17 UTC

Wasn’t there a previous discussion about the fact that “should” implies an optional action?  If so, this should be reworded as “shall” or “must”.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

17-08-2020 20:21:53 UTC

Yep, changed that, thanks


17-08-2020 20:42:09 UTC

Is the intent that only the cartographer be allowed to update the map?  (it does not seem to be implied to be the case).

If so, giving a whole prestige for every map update seems a bit high as a reward (assuming prestige are rewards), especially since cartographers can never be “dethroned”, and that they can bootstrap their own prestige by creating new Locations.  In this case, I’d be more inclined to give some form of “fractional prestige”, e.g. in the form of a dice roll upon which a success gives a prestige.

Otherwise, if all the users are still allowed to update the map (as per previous Location creation rules), and the cartographer is merely meant to make sure this step is not forgotten, then it seems like we already have a mechanism to make sure people update the map:  their action is not done until they do so.

Provisional against but can be convinced to change if my doubts are explained/addresses.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

17-08-2020 21:06:46 UTC

Otherwise, if all the users are still allowed to update the map (as per previous Location creation rules), and the cartographer is merely meant to make sure this step is not forgotten, then it seems like we already have a mechanism to make sure people update the map:  their action is not done until they do so.

This bit isn’t correct: updating the map is a “should” action and is not part of the atomic action of creating new Locations. That is evidenced by the fact that second Location isn’t on the map.

That also gets at why there’s a bounty included in there. At the moment, as you say, Prestige is only ambiguously useful; this proposal, if passed, if anything makes it more likely that Prestige will be fool’s gold. However, it is useful for there to be an incentive for the map to be updated, if only to normalise its use and make it more likely that it’ll end up being keyed into other mechanics. Nerfing ther reward later when the dynasty’s core loop is more developed would make sense; so, perhaps, would be upping other Prestige rewards more generally so that this one scales lower. Until then, it’s a job, and making jobs paid for makes them more likely to get done.

Kevan: he/him

17-08-2020 21:11:28 UTC

It’s contradictory to assert that the Map “contains all of the Locations that have been explored by Pathfinders” when a later step explicitly deals with how to update the Map when it “does not depict all explored Locations”.

Some Prestige seems fair for putting the time in, but this does feel overly formal - I’d be happy with something vaguer that just allowed the Cartographer to update the map when they felt like it, and maybe get a regular Prestige bonus if the Computer subjectively confirms that they’ve kept the map reasonably up to date.

This “shall, at their earliest opportunity” stuff all seems a bit much, if taken at face value as “cannot legally take other game actions including core”, and when updating the map requires some serious photoshop time.

Would also like to see the contents of the Map explicitly ruled as meaningless flavour rather than defining anything about the game world. If the Cartographer adds weird extra stuff (“Add any links to the map” here doesn’t require them to add the correct ones), it shouldn’t change anything.

“Mission Control” should also be “Mission Log”.


[Bais] The Prestige is (perhaps accidentally) capped - if “The Cartographer may not be the Leader”, then they cannot take actions that would make them become Leader, so can’t ever reach the highest Prestige.

Raven1207: he/they

17-08-2020 21:25:20 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

17-08-2020 22:04:35 UTC

@Kevan fair enough;  against sk

Would you be interested in a redraft on the theme? Or should we just get rid of the map altogether?

Josh: Mastermind he/they

17-08-2020 22:14:41 UTC

Although I will say that objecting to “shall"s when you by your own actions have blown a hole in “should"s is a bit rich

Raven1207: he/they

18-08-2020 03:08:17 UTC


Kevan: he/him

18-08-2020 06:14:59 UTC

It’s the “earliest opportunity” stuff and the burden that puts on the Cartographer - as soon as they’re in a situation where they have the time and means to update the map, this clause seems to be saying that they aren’t allowed to vote or do any other game stuff, they have to get photoshop out. It’s not a huge deal and we’ve done “cannot take other dynastic actions until” stuff before, it’s just something that the Cartographer might regret being locked into.

I like the idea of encouraging interesting game documents along the way, would be happy to see or write a redraft.

Riggdan: he/him

19-08-2020 05:03:59 UTC
