Proposal: Per Josh
Passes 6-0. Enacted by Brendan.
Adminned at 30 Mar 2021 20:21:42 UTC
In the rule Tournament Rules of Giolitti (or its subrule Play, if it exists) delete the sentence “If they reject, the Game is Closed, and the player posting the Sfida is the Game’s Campione” and change “When each Player of a Game has made seven Plays in that Game, that Game is Closed, and the Campione of the Game is the player with the highest score. Once a Game has been Closed, no more Plays can be made in it, nor Sfidas posted on its Table. ” to read as follows:
A game is Closed if any of the following are true:
- Each Participant in the Game has made seven plays in that Game.
- One of the Participants in the Game has Resigned, by making a comment to that Game’s Table that says “I resign” (and nothing else).
- One of the Participants in the Game has rejected a Sfida.
If a Game is Closed because a Player has Resigned or has rejected a Sfida, then the other Participant is the Campione of that Game. Otherwise, the Campione of a Closed Game is the Participant in that Game with the highest score. Once a Game has been Closed, no more Plays can be made in it, nor Sfidas posted on its Table.
Reposting Josh’s proposal with the pieces I objected to edited.
Josh: he/they
Needs to incorporate the game being closed due to decided sfida