Proposal: Power and Responsibility, take 2
Timed out 2-3. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 16 Jul 2006 20:07:03 UTC
Add the following to Rule 2.14 “Paradox Prevention:
Any Traveller may accuse a member of the Company of violating a law of time by posting to the front page of the blog to that effect. Once such an accusation is made, the Company member is “suspendedâ€. A suspended member of the company retains the influence benefits of being a member of the Company, but may not quit the company and can take no official action as a member of the PRC. After the accusing post has been in existence for 48 hours the [High Sheriff of Time] must evaluate the accusation by commenting on the post stating whether e finds it substantiated.
If the accusation is not found unsubstantiated the accused member is restored to active status within the PRC. If the accusation is found substantiated, the accused member is “expelled†from the PRC and may not rejoin it. The expelled member also looses an additional 5 points of influence. This is in addition to any penalties that might attach to the violation of the law of time.
If a majority of the votes on this proposal contain the word “Hierarchy†replace “High Sheriff of Time†where it appears in brackets in the above with “Discipline Officer†and add the following to the rule:
The High Sheriff of Time may occasionally name a member of the PRC to be the “Discipline Officer†by posting to the blog to that effect. If there is no Discipline officer or the accused member is the Discipline Officer, the High Sheriff of Time must evaluate the accusation. If the Accused member is the High Sheriff of Time, the Arbiter must evaluate the accusation.
If a majority of the votes on this proposal contain the phrase “boy who cried wolf†add the following to the rule:
If an accusation is found to be unsubstantiated, the person who made the accusation looses 3 influence.
Kevan: he/him