Protosal: There‘s a river
If there exists a Rule entitled “Farmland” replace
Each Plot starts as a 6 by 6 grid of Squares. Each Square start out empty.
Each Plot starts as a 6 by 6 grid of Squares, while the top row is known as the first and the bottom row is known as the last row. Similarly, the most left column is known as the first column while the most right is known as the last column. A square may be referenced at (C|R) while C and R are the columns and rows, respectively, starting to count from the first to the last, starting with 0.
Each Square start out empty, expect the squares (1|0), (1|1), (2|1), (2|2), (1|3), (1|4), (1|5), (3|3), (3|4) and (3|5), which contain water. These Water squares are represented with a lowercase “w”.
If there exists a Rule entitled “Floral Defences” and the Proposal “There are defences” was enacted, replace:
- If the Square contains a Crop its Defence Value is minus its Shade.
- If the Square contains a Crop and no water its Defence Value is minus its Shade.
- If the Square contains Water and no Crop, its Defence Value is 2. For the purpose of swimming Zombies its Defence Value is -10
- If the Square contains both Water and a Crop, its Defence Value is 2 minus its Shade. For the purpose of swimming Zombies its Defence Value is -10 plus its Shade.
We‘re kinda unlucky farmer, arent‘t we? Well, at least I hope we’ll lucky enough that some Farmer finds ways to plant “sea-roses” or sth. similar.
Note that for swimming Zombies on Crop+Water squares the Shade increases the defence instead of decreasing it.
PS: The river looks like this:
Just a proposal for so far. Maybe one rule “Water squares” would be easier in general…
@Swimming zombies: They should swim from the top to the down through our river and may attack plants on the river bank.