Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Proposal: Purified Watercooler

Vetoed upon Ascension. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 Aug 2023 09:15:21 UTC

Remove the sentence “Machinists may never disclose, implicitly or explicitly, publicly or privately, their Agendas, except where explicitly required for the Declaration of Victory.” from “Machinist Agendas”.

Per the comments on Bread and Bounties and the Discord, if most players are reading this as meaning that partial statements of “my Agenda requires lots of Repair Log entries” aren’t implicitly revealing a specific Agenda (because none of us know the full pool of Agendas, and even if I know I wrote a “have 7 Repair Log entries” Agenda, I don’t know whether anyone else wrote a similar one), this clause may not even mean anything.



02-08-2023 15:38:28 UTC

against The bar on disclosing Agendas is a core part of the dynasty. If it’s unclear, I’d rather clarify it than repeal it entirely.

Kevan: he/him

02-08-2023 15:58:36 UTC

It’s so subjective, though, trying to draw a line somewhere across the space of what a person can say out loud and what another person might infer from it.

I think it has to be all or nothing, or tied to some explicit game mechanic about what happens if one player can verbatim identify another’s Agenda.


02-08-2023 17:07:55 UTC

“you are the Machinist in the most recently dated entry in all their respective Repair Logs” from one of the rejected agenda matched one of SingularByte’s revelations except that if he had that one the rest of his complaint would be essentially moot because of the overall difficulty for which it was rejected.

His second complaint almost matches the rejected agenda “At least 5 Facilities (or 50% of Facilities, whichever is higher) have at least 3 Power.” except that he must have no control over which Facilities must remain powered.

“Order is exactly 44 without anyone on Lockdown” from another rejected agenda matched the third complaint.

SingularByte obviously had none of those agendas. But only the second of his complaints couldn’t have been confused for them.

Kevan: he/him

02-08-2023 17:13:48 UTC

So what do you suggest the rule should be?


02-08-2023 19:46:36 UTC

I don’t have a concrete proposal ATM but think the current rule with its bit of grey area is better than nothing.

Kevan: he/him

04-08-2023 09:14:44 UTC

veto Clearing the queue upon Ascension.