Sunday, December 17, 2023

Proposal: Queons

Timed out 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 19 Dec 2023 13:39:54 UTC

In “Transition of Power”, replace “may perform the Legitimize atomic action, which is to perform the Appraise atomic action for every Claim. When the Legitimize action is complete, the Heir whose single strongest Claim is stronger than all other Heirs’ strongest Claims achieves victory.” with:-

may perform the Legitimize atomic action, which is to perform the Appraise atomic action for every Claim and then to post a blog entry announcing that this has been done; upon such a blog entry being posted, the Heir whose single strongest Claim is stronger than all other Heirs’ strongest Claims achieves victory.

Bit of a gap in the succession here where Claims can still change after the Legitimize action has happened, and “the Legitimize action is complete” would assign a further victor.


Clucky: he/him

17-12-2023 16:51:03 UTC

how does this change anything? anyone can run the action again after claims change to let the strongest claim obtain victory. All this really does is give an explicit post announcing it which I guess doesn’t hurt

Kevan: he/him

17-12-2023 17:18:32 UTC

There’s a window following the Legitimize action where another Heir might be able to perform some action (eg. Assassination) that would change who had the “single strongest Claim” - we would then have two players who could both declare victory.

The change here is explicitly making “and somebody wins” part of the action, rather than something which (at least arguably) becomes true and remains true for the rest of the dynasty.

Clucky: he/him

17-12-2023 17:58:28 UTC

but that could still happen under these rules.

the one area it helps is that it makes it explicit when the Legitimize action took place. Right now, it just happens silently so anyone can just claim “I legitimized at X:XX…”

but this doesn’t fix the problem of two different players successfully doing the legitimize action before someone is able to get a DoV up

Kevan: he/him

17-12-2023 18:13:14 UTC

Legitimizing can only be performed once, by one player - the action can only be taken “if it has not yet been done this dynasty”. Good point that it’s silent if no Claims change hands during it, though.

My intention with the victory being achieved “upon such a blog entry being posted” is that the achievement only happens once, at that moment of that posting. (The current “When the Legitimize action is complete” can be read as allowing the victory check to be made at any later point - “is the Legitimize action complete? Yes, it was performed in full an hour ago, therefore…”)

Clucky: he/him

17-12-2023 18:59:52 UTC

ah i missed that bit. makes sense.  for

Desertfrog: Jury

18-12-2023 07:58:03 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

18-12-2023 15:44:00 UTC
