Friday, August 21, 2015

Proposal: Reference By Name

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Aug 2015 10:10:55 UTC

In the Appendix, in the section “Clarifications” in the rule “Names”, reword

Within the ruleset, a word only refers to the name of a Prisoner if it is explicitly stated that it refers to a Prisoner’s name.


Within the ruleset, a word only refers to the name of a Prisoner or to the name of a Gamestate Tracking Entity if it is explicitly stated that it refers to such name.

In the Appendix, in the section Keywords, add a Keyword “Name of a Prisoner” with the text

Name of a Prisoner is their current Blognomic account name

Add a Keyword “Name of an Idle Prisoner” with the text

Name of an Idle Prisoner is their current Blognomic account name

Fixing the thing that led to the glorious end of Josh X dynasty, and also clarifying things about names (see Josh’s comment to that CFJ about “Set of all names”)


Kevan: he/him

21-08-2015 21:11:03 UTC



21-08-2015 21:21:30 UTC

Wait, can this be interpreted in a way that rule “Increase Sentence by 1” is illegal and “Increase GNDT field with the name “Sentence” by 1” is legal?

If so, I’ll SK and think.

Kevan: he/him

21-08-2015 21:30:38 UTC

Good point, the ruleset doesn’t define what a “Gamestate Tracking Entity” actually is. Maybe “value of a piece of gamestate” instead of “name of a Gamestate Tracking Entity”? We should tread very carefully here, though.


21-08-2015 21:34:16 UTC

Self-Kill for now against will post again tomorrow
I agree about carefulness.