Proposal: Reinstituting Metadynasties
Fails 1-6. - Qwazukee
Adminned at 04 Jul 2009 23:04:55 UTC
Create a subrule of the Core Rule “Dynasties” titled “Metadynasties” with the following text:
Some Dynasties (called Metadynasties) have no Writer and are named according to the number of Metadynasties of Blognomic (eg. First Metadynasty). Metadynasties may only be started by a successful Proposal, CfJ, or as allowed by another rule.
When a Metadynasty begins, the previous Dynasty ends and all Dynastic rules are repealed. The theme (and appropriate substitution of keywords) may be chosen by any method deemed necessary.
Because there is no Writer, DEFERENTIAL votes are counted as explicit votes of abstention and no one may VETO a Proposal.
The exact wording of the Metadynasty rule as it was the last time it was in use.