Monday, November 09, 2009

Proposal: Resignation

S/K -yuri

Adminned at 11 Nov 2009 06:55:33 UTC

Add the following to rule 1.8, “Dynasties”:

The Artisan may resign, provided he finds another Apprentice to become a new Artisan. The Artisan must then make a post to the blog, stating his resignation, and the name of the new Artisan, who becomes Artisan at the moment the post was created.

Based on a stolen rule from last dynasty.


Josh: Mastermind he/they

09-11-2009 22:18:53 UTC

against The Emperor is not that important a role; besides setting the theme, which can already be passed on, the only real power they have is that of the veto, which is a hindrance more often than not. In extreme cases, temporary veto power can be, and has been, conferred in other ways, and I prefer that kind of ad-hoc approach.


09-11-2009 23:14:23 UTC

against And it enables the Emperor to resign so that e can make a DoV.

Apathetic Lizardman:

10-11-2009 00:06:26 UTC

against Per Hix.


10-11-2009 01:25:40 UTC

against per Hix

Darknight: he/him

10-11-2009 02:25:02 UTC


redtara: they/them

10-11-2009 05:28:39 UTC

If I reproposed with a clause giving a no DoV limit of 7 days, how would you like that?


10-11-2009 14:35:44 UTC

When these situations comes up in actual gameplay, how about we decide on a case-by-case basis the best way to handle them, based on the Dynasty at the time.  You know, with Proposals.  In a Nomic.


10-11-2009 16:20:41 UTC

against  per Hix and Josh.

redtara: they/them

11-11-2009 14:54:12 UTC

S/K against per Hix