Proposal: Safekeeping
Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 01 May 2024 09:24:01 UTC
Rename the Rule “Containers” to “Pouches”.
Add a new rule after “Pouches” named “Chests” with the text
Each Thief has a chest, which can contain 2 Possessions. As a daily action, a thief may Take Inventory.
Taking inventory is one of
- privately viewing and publicly taking one possession out of their chest
- privately viewing the contents of their chest
- privately viewing and publicly putting one possession into their chest.
Amend the effect of Lockpick to be “A thief may use a lockpick to make Taking Inventory entirely private and also able to operate on others’ chests.”
Enable stealing from others a bit. I think some direct pickpocketing is in order as well, to incentivise the use of chests.
Josh: he/they