Friday, May 03, 2024

Proposal: Shell Game

Timed out. Fails 2-4—Clucky

Adminned at 06 May 2024 04:30:16 UTC

In the rule “Possessions”, add the following text:

Each Thief has a Transfer, which is privately tracked by the City, defaults to empty, and is either empty, or contains a list of one or more of that Thief’s Possessions and a Thief who is the Destination of that Transfer. A Thief may set their Transfer by privately communicating the desired value to the City.

In the subrule “Distribution”, after the first step of the atomic action “Distributing It” add this step:

* For each Thief who has a non-empty Transfer, remove the Possessions listed in that Transfer from that Thief, skipping any that are not actually in that Thief’s inventory, set that Thief’s Transfer to empty, and add the removed Possessions to the inventory of the Thief named as the Destination. Privately communicate to the Thief named as the Destination the value of each Pouch in the Transfer using the name of each Pouch.

I think that Clucky wanted to have the ability to voluntarily move Pouches between Thieves. Here’s a hopefully less complicated idea, which still involves the City but at least is deterministic on when it gets processed.


Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

04-05-2024 04:21:17 UTC

Feels a bit kingmakery maybe?


04-05-2024 10:21:21 UTC

against per Clucky

JonathanDark: he/him

04-05-2024 16:07:01 UTC

Sorry, I thought that’s what you were going for. If not, that’s fine. It seems I misread your Pouch Potato proposal.


04-05-2024 21:52:16 UTC

for This seems very simple, I like it. Not sure how Kingmaking comes into play, everyone is aware that kingmaking will not get someone somewhere in this dynasty as there will be a *final* betrayal.

Kevan: he/him

05-05-2024 10:49:37 UTC

[4st] Kingmaking is when a player who can’t win the game is in a position to choose which of several closely-tied leading players wins. Of course there’s no victory condition defined yet, but if we went with something like “first to 100 Florins wins”, a rule for freely donating Florins would allow kingmaking.

against per Clucky.

JonathanDark: he/him

05-05-2024 17:35:29 UTC

against Withdrawn. I’m starting to understand where we’re trying to go a little bit better now.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

06-05-2024 04:27:15 UTC
