Friday, April 26, 2019

Proposal: shh

popular 4 to 0. Enacted by derrick.

Adminned at 28 Apr 2019 18:32:50 UTC

Change ” a status (which is either dreamed, posted, contracted, or finished, and defaults to dreamed) ” to

a status (which is either dreamed, posted, secret, both, contracted, or finished, and defaults to dreamed)

Append to the list of project attributes:

*a bidding area

Change “A project may be written as NAME (STATUS) | ESTIMATION | LOCATION, where NAME is its name, where STATUS is its status, where ESTIMATION is its estimation, and where LOCATION is its location. ” to

A project may be written as NAME (STATUS) | ESTIMATION | LOCATION | BIDDING AREA, where NAME is its name, where STATUS is its status, where ESTIMATION is its estimation, where LOCATION is its location, and where BIDDING AREA is its bidding area.

Change “A contractor may make a bid on a project with a status of “Posted” by sending a private message to the Great Eccentric stating the name of the project and an amount.” to

A contractor may make a bid on a project with a status of “Secret” by sending a private message to the Great Eccentric stating the name of the project and an amount. This is known as a Secret Bid.

A contractor may make a bid on a project with a status of “Posted” by appending to the bidding area their bid. Bids in the bidding area are formatted in a comma delinated list and represented as XY, where X is the name of the bidder and Y is the amount. If the Y value of a bid is less than or equal to its Bidder’s Funds, then its a Valid Bid. This is known as a Public Bid.

A contractor may make both Secret and Public Bids on a project with a status of “Both”.

If favoring the well rested ( ) has passed, change “If there is a tie, randomly choose from among the contractors that have the fewest number of contracted projects.” to

If there is a tie, randomly choose from the following criteria, stopping at the first contractor chosen: contractors that have made the lowest public bid and have the lowest number of contracted projects, contractors that have made the lowest secret bid and have the lowest number of contracted projects.

Otherwise change it to

If there is a tie, randomly choose from the following criteria, stopping at the first contractor chosen: contractors that have made the lowest public bid, contractors that have made the lowest secret bid.

Change the status of all projects to Secret

Add a rule with the following text

At any time the Great Eccentric may perform the following atomic action:
*set the status of any projects that have no bids on them to either Posted or Both
*set the status of a Secret project with bids on it to Both if there is at least 2 other Secret projects with bids on them
*remove this rule from the ruleset

offering a transition to a more public bidding on contracts, allowing us to test the different styles.
per the comments on this proposal


Kevan: he/him

26-04-2019 11:32:52 UTC

imperial I suppose this is effectively a Dutch Auction, as the other players can easily cap your prize at $1B above your bid. Which is fine, but it’ll take a while to resolve if we’re all chipping away towards our lowest bids.

derrick: he/him

26-04-2019 15:51:07 UTC


I can’t say I like placing bids in the ruleset, but it will work.


27-04-2019 12:27:21 UTC
