E shoots…
E shoots…
As a non-assisting Defense Player, I rolled DICE6:3.
Honestly, I didn’t think of this until about an hour ago. Not sure if it worked, but I figured I had to try…
I’ll note that, even if this worked (i.e. if the above is two Plays), only one person has made a Play.
How can you shoot? The rule says “The offense Player who has the Ball may Shoot” and you are neither an offense Player nor a player who has the Ball. (You might claim that the phrasing implies that any Player with the ball is an offence player while they have the ball, but you definitely passed the ball before attempting to shoot.)
However, the rules state “When a Player Kicks the Ball, if they are not the Goalkeeper, they may update the GNDT to make themselves Assisting, when transferring its ownership.” Therefore, there was never a time when you were a non-assisting defense player, despite how it looked in the GNDT.
I was a non-assisting defense player after I changed my shirt, while I still had the ball, before I kicked the ball to you.
Also, the shirt change was illegal because the ball never went out of play.
Heh, I guess you saw the same other scam I did? I was hoping you might kick the ball out of play, so that I could potentially have a chance to try to trade shirts with you and get a ‘Quadruple Play’.
after the sparks have cooled down, it would be great if someone could explain this to me… :D
Note that, if Eritivus’ shirt change is legal, all of his rolls count on both sides because he’s both the shooter and a defensive player.
I mean, if it’s both legal and counts for letting him roll for defense.
Pretty sure the shirt change was legal—O/D balance went from 6/3 to 5/4.
I did kind of expect a CfJ, though. I didn’t expect to agree with any such CfJ, of course, or I wouldn’t have tried it.
ayesdeeef, do you understand now?
Step 1: Eritivus, as an offense player (shirt 67), shoots.
Step 2: Eritivus changes his shirt to #33. The rules don’t actually take the ball from the shooting player until the shooting post is closed, so he is a non-assisting defense player.
Step 3: Eritivus successfully kicks the ball and becomes an assisting player.
The post isn’t closed yet and Sylphrena has had the ball for 72 hours, so I took it and kicked to Doctor29. If I read the rules right, I’m allowed to add my DICE15:7 to the pool as an assisting player.
Offense: 14
Defense: 25
Sylphrena and Eritivus may each collect one score.
Sorry for the delay. I will vote for on the the corresponding Proposal.
Out of curiosity, if Offense had one, E still would have gained exactly one score due to “The set of players whose rolls contributed to the larger sum all receive one score.” and E would be one player of that set of players.
As the Shooting Player, I rolled DICE5:5.