Call for Judgment: Shoving a Gladiator with no AP
Times out 5-3 and is enacted. -coppro
Adminned at 17 Jul 2011 14:36:38 UTC
In the Rule “Turn-Based Actions” change
A Gladiator taking this action may select a Gladiator in an adjacent Arena Square, and move that Gladiator into any square that Gladiator could legally Step into that is not adjacent to the Shoving Gladiator.
A Gladiator taking this action may select a Gladiator in an adjacent Arena Square, and move that Gladiator into any square that Gladiator could legally Step into disregarding that Gladiators AP that is not adjacent to the Shoving Gladiator.
Every shove that happened before the time this proposal was put online was legal, even if the Shoved Gladiator did not have any AP.
Shoving allows a Gladiator to move an adjacent Gladiator to a Square that Gladiator could legally step into. To legally step into any square, a Gladiator needs at least one AP. Thus, shoving doesn’t work with Gladiators that do not have any AP. This intends to fix it and make every shove that happened up until now legal.
Josh: he/they