Proposal: Sir, here’s the VETO bait you requested, sir!
This proposal has been exploded to maintain safety of the nomic. If you have any questions please see your local command official with the W3 form filled out in triplicate.
Private Kevan; it has been requested that the color of the Grenade be changed to a color other than Green or Red, so it is not easily confused with the FOR or AGAINST Icons.
That is all.
-General Amnistar
Adminned at 11 Feb 2009 12:16:10 UTC
Create a rule “Awesome” with text
An object is Awesome if and only if it appears on the following list:
1 second after this Proposal is Enacted, add “Blowing stuff up with Grenades” to the list of Awesome objects.
1 second before this Proposal is Enacted, Amnistar shall pull the pin out of a grenade, and stuff that grenade into one of the holes in Swiss Cheese.
(14:02:49) Amnistar: I want someone to propose something that needs to be failed
(14:02:56) Amnistar: so I can use my veto and blow up the proposal
Amnistar: he/him