Friday, May 03, 2024

Proposal: Sleep With One Eye Open

Timed out. Fails 3-3—Clucky

Adminned at 06 May 2024 04:29:07 UTC

In the rule “Attitudes”, add the following to the table:

| Jealous || Action: Select the Thief, other than this Thief, whose Florins are the closest to equal of this Thief’s Florins, secretly-randomly choosing among ties, and if the selected Thief has one or more Possessions and does not have an Attitude of Paranoid, transfer a randomly-selected Possession from the selected Thief to this Thief. If the transferred Possession is a Pouch, the City must secretly inform this Thief of the value of the Pouch by name.
| Paranoid || -

and in the same rule, in the Description of the Attitude “Solo Act”, replace the text “and transfer the minimum” with “and if the selected Thief does not have an Attitude of Paranoid, transfer the minimum”

In the rule “Containers”, add the following as a third bullet point to the atomic action Sorting Pouches:

* Repeat the previous step of this action as many times as wished, but they must add 1 to their Notoriety for each repeat of the previous step. These steps may be concatenated into a single wiki edit to obscure the precise sums allocated to each Pouch.

Offering a way to steal Possessions and to block or lessen the impact of said theft.


Clucky: he/him

04-05-2024 04:02:59 UTC

I think this approach still has a few issues compared to my solution

1) The disconnect where the City is the official source of truth for what a pouch is worth, but then the city isn’t involved in selling a pouch.

Right now, if the city thinks that a pouch is worth 5 and then you sell it for 7, its still only worth 5 and the game is now in a busted state which will be harder to unwind via CFJ. Whereas if you make the city process the sale, it sells for 5 and then at that point you can try to CFJ to fix but the official game state is never incorrect

2) The whole “pouches are possessions” kinda throws a wrench in the generation of posessions for a haul that we’re just papering over

There is also some more neutrals difference that you could argue is either a benefit of a negative, namely the ability for someone to know what a pouch is worth. I think there is a bit of fun in not knowing what a pouch is worth until you sell it

Lastly, selling pouches giving you Notoriety I think is a damper on the mechanic. Some people might like it. But if hiding your money in a pouch until you need it but now it’ll cost you 15 Notoriety to get it back… feels like that could be a problem


04-05-2024 10:20:31 UTC


Kevan: he/him

04-05-2024 14:56:22 UTC

against Per Clucky.

These actions where you don’t get to choose the target also seem a bit off, generally. Are we trying to avoid kingmaking situations?

JonathanDark: he/him

04-05-2024 16:05:52 UTC

“pouches are possessions” is in the ruleset right now, so if that’s problematic, it’s something we might consider dealing with on its own.



Each Thief may have a number of Pouches.

A Pouch is a Possession that is used to contain Florins.


Kevan: he/him

04-05-2024 16:18:00 UTC

JonathanDark: he/him

04-05-2024 17:44:08 UTC

Sure, but I mean that in general, do we want Pouches to be considered Possessions for the purposes of other rules, or do we want Pouches as a separate type of inventory item?


04-05-2024 21:50:04 UTC

imperial the rules are changing a bit fast for me, but Kevan is against, so if he changes his mind on this then that’s fine.

JonathanDark: he/him

05-05-2024 06:20:18 UTC


“selling pouches giving you Notoriety I think is a damper on the mechanic”

One of is is misunderstanding how this would work. If this were enacted, the Sorting Pouches atomic action would read like this:

As a daily action, a Thief may Sort their Pouches. Sorting Pouches is an atomic action with the following steps:

* Destroy all of their existing Pouches by removing them from their inventory, and gaining Florins equal to their value;
* Spend any number (greater than zero) of Florins, and create a new Pouch in their inventory with a valid name and a valid Value equal to the number of Florins so spent;
* Repeat the previous step of this action as many times as wished, but they must add 1 to their Notoriety for each repeat of the previous step. These steps may be concatenated into a single wiki edit to obscure the precise sums allocated to each Pouch.
* Send a personal message to the City detailing the Pouches destroyed and created, with the new values of the latter.

So what part of that would force you to spend Notoriety to get Florins from Pouches? You’re not “Selling” the pouches, you’re destroying them through the Sorting Pouches action, which actually forces you to destroy them all and convert them all to Florins in the very first step.

The additional Notoriety gain that I added is to add a cost to creating more than 1 Pouch. It’s just a way to slow down the ability of people to create a Pouch for every Florin they have.

Did I miss something?

Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

05-05-2024 21:19:12 UTC

for seems fine

Clucky: he/him

06-05-2024 04:26:54 UTC
