Thursday, March 25, 2021

Proposal: Speed Bump

Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 2 votes to 5 by Kevan.

Adminned at 26 Mar 2021 15:15:50 UTC

Replace the first paragraph of the Tournament Rules of Giolitti with the following:

As a Daily Action, the Dealer may Start A Round by performing the following atomic action:

* Sort each Player whose Readiness is set to “Yes” into a list first by Magistrelli from highest to lowest, then breaking ties secretly randomly.
* If the list contains an odd number of Players, secretly randomly select one of the Players to be the Sconosciuta. Award that player 1 Peg and 1 Magistrelli and remove them from the list
* As the final step in the atomic action, pair the players in the order they appear in the list (so starting with the first two, then the next two, and so on), and start a game between each pair of players (known as the Game’s Participants) by performing the following atomic action (a reference to a Participant means only a Player who is a Participant of the game in question):

If the proposal here: passes, remove “1 Peg and ” from the above atomic action.

Remove “Set each Participants’ Readiness to “No”” from the atomic action performed to start a game

Replace the rule “Readiness” with the following

Each Player has a property called “Readiness” which is either “Yes” or “No”, and defaults to No. A Player may change their Readiness at any time.

Three main things I want to change here. One is to remove the potential for a bunch of quick games to get fired off or players to get punished because their game didn’t complete on time. Now everyone can just get in a game a day (depending on Kevan’s thoughts, we might want to limit that).

Another is to standardize who you play, making top ranked players always play each other.

Third is to make it so that if you aren’t randomly selected for a game its not a loss.


Kevan: he/himIdle

25-03-2021 18:32:33 UTC

That atomic actions needs more careful formatting (either indenting the second, or breaking it up with a “Starting a Game is the following atomic action:”), as it’s just going to run straight into the other one to make one big bulleted list, as written.

Clucky: he/himIdle

25-03-2021 18:36:28 UTC

I added a note that clarifies the final step in the first action is the final step. I feel like we can format the second action with double indent to help clarify what goes where without needing a proposal… or am I wrong?

Kevan: he/himIdle

25-03-2021 18:52:54 UTC

Reformatting to match an unambiguous meaning is fine, now that this is unambiguous. It feels a bit precarious to write two separate atomic actions as one big run-on bulleted list (that this might inadvertently confuse some rule that expects a bullet list of steps to all be the same action), but I think I just haven’t seen it done before.

Clucky: he/himIdle

25-03-2021 19:25:45 UTC

The very first part of the atomic action rule is to specify:

“All steps of an Atomic Action are considered one action, including the steps of an Atomic Action that is itself a step of a parent Atomic Action.”

so I think nested atomic actions are fine.

Lulu: she/herIdle

25-03-2021 20:21:42 UTC


Brendan: he/himIdle

26-03-2021 03:01:13 UTC

against “Top ranked players always play each other” translates to “top ranked players stay top ranked forever.” This is a huge nerf of Magistrelli.

Clucky: he/himIdle

26-03-2021 05:50:39 UTC


lesser ranked players who win games will gain Magistrelli and move up the rankings, replacing those who didn’t win games.

Josh: he/they

26-03-2021 10:03:29 UTC

This does make the game much more inert and drastically cuts down on the opportunity for players to move up the rankings.

It’s also boring, making it likely that the bottommost players will play each other on a loop and the topmost players will play each other on a loop and will only mingle as a result of great effort. I’d like to play against Brendan at some point!

Of course I’m going to vote for because it does materially benefit me but it is BAMPAM and should really be regarded as such.

Kevan: he/himIdle

26-03-2021 10:33:56 UTC

[Clucky] Nested actions are fine, we just normally write them as clearly separate actions which call each other: I was just being cautious about writing them as one combined list with a “by the way this step is the final one therefore the bullet points below are a different action” explanation halfway through, in case that tripped any atomic action effects which just talk about “a list” and would get confused by this.

It looks okay, though.


Josh: he/they

26-03-2021 10:47:26 UTC

Actually now that I see clucky’s vote on the masters I’m switching to against

Lulu: she/herIdle

26-03-2021 11:56:08 UTC


pokes: Idle

26-03-2021 12:28:52 UTC


lemon: she/herIdle

26-03-2021 13:27:38 UTC


Clucky: he/himIdle

26-03-2021 15:04:31 UTC

@Josh why is me preferring a different system than masters had a reason to change your vote? This to me seems to anti-synergize with the ideas in masters