Proposal: Stare into the abyss
Withdrawn -SingularByte
Adminned at 30 Jul 2024 21:00:49 UTC
If the proposal “At the Waters of Madness” failed, this proposal does nothing.
In the rule “Madness”, after the word “Rest” add the following,
No energy is gained if the Rest action is used by this rule
In the rule “Fishing Contestant” add the following to the list of Collect Catches instructions as bullet point 5
If that Cell is an Basalt Obelisk, they gain 2DICE6 Catches and then roll DICE3. On a roll of 1, nothing happens. On a roll of 2, increase their madness equal to half their Catches gained, rounded down. On a roll of 3, increase their madness equal to their Catches gained
Move the following text “If none of the above apply, they gain 2DICE2 Catches”, to bullet point 6 on the list of Collet Catches instructions.
My thoughts are if you rest to recover from being mad, you’re not going to have a peaceful sleep and won’t have much energy once you awaken.
I also picture trying to fish under the gaze of the obelisk as a risky venture
SingularByte: he/him
I feel like the penalties here don’t quite feel like they’d ever be worth it. Moving to an obelisk already takes 1-2 energy, then fishing would take a further 8 energy on average.
In comparison, the ocean gives 2 fewer fish on average for 5-7 less energy expended (depending on movement costs).