Sunday, October 17, 2021

Proposal: Striking Two

Unpopular due to Zack voting against - redtara

Adminned at 18 Oct 2021 16:06:00 UTC

Enact the proposed effects of the failed proposal “The Clocktower”, except for the change to the Infirmary rule.

Taking another mild run at this, omitting the Infirmary edit so that the player in the Infirmary can’t veto it again. It didn’t get much feedback otherwise, though.


Zack: he/him

17-10-2021 16:53:26 UTC

What if we allow Queued Action Proposals even if you already have two pending proposals

Kevan: he/him

17-10-2021 17:03:56 UTC

Sure, good idea. Could allow more than one action in a proposal, as well. I don’t know if we’d want to give some kind of upper limit to either of those.

Josh: he/they

17-10-2021 19:09:58 UTC



17-10-2021 20:27:50 UTC

After a private discussion, Kevan removed my veto power from this followup, so that we could have a more open conversation while I vote against , on the grounds that having only proposal-speed actions would probably be ineffective at removing timing issues, and would slow the game considerably.

Kevan: he/him

17-10-2021 21:12:25 UTC

I don’t think it’d change the game speed much, particularly if we also make Queued Action Proposals cheaper: the game as it stands is already closely tied to the proposal clock, as proposals are the only way that players can move around the Tower. With or without this change, these actions all depend on which Floor you’re on - you’ll still have to wait for a movement proposal to get you there before you can take the action.

I’m interested in ways to solve BlogNomic’s creaky timing issues - where a player can get ahead by staying up late and being the first or last to react when a proposal enacts or some other game event happens. Secret orders processed in a batch has been one effective solution, I’m curious to see if actions-as-proposals is another.


18-10-2021 09:12:52 UTC



18-10-2021 09:27:10 UTC

Oh, lol, did I just move to a zone that this rule covers? I did. Guess it’s vetoed again. ;P

redtara: they/them

18-10-2021 13:33:13 UTC


Zack: he/him

18-10-2021 14:44:17 UTC

against Earthlink veto