Proposal: Subversion Escalation, Take Two [Special Case]
self killed—clucky
Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 23:18:11 UTC
Create a new Special Case Rule, set to Active, entitled “Imperial Devolution*” with the following text:
The Player may not veto any Proposals do not include at least one of the following tags: [Core], [Special Case], [Appendix], [Victory]. If a Proposal would cause the game to become unplayable; would effectively amend or allow arbitrary amendment of a Core, Special Case, or Appendix rule; or would grant immediate victory to the enacting Admin; then, instead, the Player may and should veto that Proposal.
Delete the text in the rule “Treaties [Universal]” that reads “The Player should veto any proposal that would make an Emperor a Signatory to a Treaty against his will, or that would convert a Treaty into a Universal rule without the assent of all non-Signatory Emperors. Moreover,”
Add a new subrule to the rule “Treaties [Universal]” called “Treaty Limits [Universal]” that reads as follows:
A Proposal that creates or amends a Treaty is considered Unpopular, and is not considered Popular, so long as any of the following would be true of its effects upon enactment:
- They would make an Emperor a Signatory to a Treaty without that Emperor’s consent.
- They would convert a Treaty into a Universal rule.
- They would add or remove Signatories from another Treaty, except as mediated by Universal rules.
- They would restrict the actions of non-Signatories, beyond not being able to act as Signatories.
- They would avoid the requirement that the Player always be a Signatory.
- They would make substantial modifications to another Treaty, such that it effectively becomes a different Treaty.
- They would enable arbitrary rules modifications.
However, the foregoing list of conditions excepts the following cases:
- Subrules of a Treaty may affect the parent Treaty or other subrules of that Treaty.
- Treaties may have terms specific to mutual Signatories with other Treaties—for example, by modifying variables defined in the other Treaty.
- Treaties may declare the Player and other Signatories as second-class Signatories who may not take certain actions.
Addressing the concerns set forth in “Veto Conditions” as well as Kevan’s feedback on the first version of this proposal. I really do believe that Imperial Devolution is on theme for this dynasty; if all of us are Emperors but only one of us is a Player, doesn’t it follow that the traditional powers vested in a central figure should be less centrailzed?
Raven1207: Monarchple he/they