Saturday, January 20, 2018

Supply Crate #1

The residents gather around the meagre-looking supply crate that was delivered yesterday, and tear away the plastic wrap. The following items spill out across the lobby floor:

Energy Drink • Food • Water • Energy Drink • Hard-Hat • Energy Drink • Food

Everyone’s just woken up and is at zero Alertness right now, so help yourselves.

Let’s try out a crate to get the ball rolling, and to see how this actually interacts with a live proposal queue. At the time of writing it’s an arbitrary race to grab Energy Drinks, but if the previous proposal enacts while the Crate is still being emptied, the Food will suddenly gain a use.

It’d be good to see a proposal that formally spread out the Alertnesses - I guess the ideal is for everyone to have a unique number, and for that to be somehow maintained even when values change.


Kevan: he/him

20-01-2018 09:29:13 UTC

I’ve gone back and added an “If any Resident took Food from a Supply Crate while this proposal was pending…” clause to the proposal, which is maybe the way to handle this in future. It does still mean gambling on whether the proposal will enact, though.


20-01-2018 09:33:52 UTC

I’m taking an Energy Drink


20-01-2018 13:07:01 UTC

I take an energy drink too.

derrick: he/him

20-01-2018 13:34:46 UTC

I’m going for the hard hat


20-01-2018 14:03:43 UTC

Taking Energy Drink

Kevan: he/him

20-01-2018 14:19:11 UTC

Note that all of these items - including the hat - have to be placed in hand slots on the wiki page, under the current ruleset, “choosing an empty one if possible”.

(Given how much everyone always forgets to update and/or look at things on wiki pages, maybe it’s worth simplifying items into a GNDT column, if we’ve already got it down to a maximum of nine items.)


20-01-2018 16:40:55 UTC

Ah, true. Well, added EDrink to my hand in order to formally perform the slowest friggin supply-taking action ever lol.

You see, being this slow is why I really need those energy drinks.


20-01-2018 17:30:03 UTC

well it could be 7 columns, 9 columns or 1 mega column, probably worth doing


21-01-2018 18:08:07 UTC

Being late I’ll grab the food


22-01-2018 02:28:37 UTC

I take food.

Kevan: he/him

22-01-2018 11:32:22 UTC

Pokes didn’t update the GNDT to gain a Health there, so I guess we have to read that as a conscious decision not to “apply its effect at that time”.


22-01-2018 14:52:23 UTC

I take the water.

Kevan: he/him

22-01-2018 14:57:21 UTC

And the crate is now empty.


22-01-2018 14:58:24 UTC

I’m not sure how to interpret the rules. The Supplies rule states:

“When an item listed as Consumable would be put into a hand slot, it is instead not put into that slot, and the Resident whose slot it is may apply its effect at that time (with themselves as its User).”

I chose not to apply the effects of the water, but then per the rule it still is not put in my hand slot. Doesn’t that mean I’ve lost it ?


22-01-2018 14:59:13 UTC

(note that applying the effect would make no difference in this case)

Kevan: he/him

22-01-2018 15:04:59 UTC

Yep, the Consumables are all meant to be one-shot use-it-or-lose it effects. The rules are a bit wonkily written, as they were amended through a couple of iterations to get there.


22-01-2018 15:05:18 UTC

(sorry if this has already been discussed elsewhere… I’ve come back from a weeks absence from Blognomic and didn’t take the time to read the previous posts :P)