Switch thoughts
Now that we’ve got the GNDT, are we pretty much ready to move the actual game over?
Does anyone have any issues that need resolving before we make such a proposal on the real game?
Throw feedback here.
Now that we’ve got the GNDT, are we pretty much ready to move the actual game over?
Does anyone have any issues that need resolving before we make such a proposal on the real game?
Throw feedback here.
I agree with Ex. I think we should end this dynasty then do the switch during the hiatus. It would be possible to start drafting the switch proposal though.
Gazebo: the problem is getting two hiatuses to align: one here, and one at blognomic.blogspot.com
If this Dynasty ends first, we don’t start a new one.
If the other Dynasty ends first, we abort this one.
Completely smooth transition of the real game is what’s important here.
Speaking of ending this Dynasty, I think that the winner of this Dynasty, (If any.) should become a Gadfly. We would need to propose it on the normal game, though. And by the way, you should propose something in the real game that changes the the Switch Document to something legal and update it. The last thing we need is an arguement about the legality of Switch proposals during the Switch.
There hasn’t actually been any switch proposals, yet, which deflects that problem somewhat
Yeah, the whole Switch Document thing was, in retrospect, a little overboard. We can still use it, though. I think the supermajority it requires is still a good idea.
If anyone wants to propose amendments to it, go right ahead. :)
Excalabur: Idle
well, other than the fact that this is just starting to get interesting…