Proposal: Targets of Opportunity
Self-killed. Failed by pokes.
Adminned at 18 Aug 2017 20:51:38 UTC
If this is enacted before Tick 9, it has no effect.
In “Ticks”, change
If A and B are both targeting each other, rolling DICE20. If it is 1 through 10, missiles are exchanged, and both CICs lose two IE and gain 10 Recovery. If missiles are exchanged, this (including which two CICs were involved) should be announced publicly at the end of a Tick.
If A and B are both targeting each other, rolling DICE20. If it is 1 through 10, A and B are each Nuked by the other. When a CICs is Nuked, a DICE6 is rolled (optionally, these rolls may be private) for each IE that CIC has at the beginning of the Tick. For each of these that is equal to 1, that CIC loses one IE and gains 5 Recovery.
Add a new bullet point to the end of the list of steps describing a Tick:
*Making a public post containing, at least:
* Whether more politicians were agitating than smoothing.
* Which CICs were Nuked, by whom, and how many IE they lost because of it.
Makes missile exchanges hurt more when you have more IE (and a bit more overall)
Kevan: he/him