Monday, August 24, 2020

Proposal: The Better Baseness Bureau

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. (1 FOR + 4 DEF + 1 IMPDEF.) Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Aug 2020 10:13:55 UTC

Add the following to the list of Equipment in the rule Equipment:

* Probe. Limited (1). Single use. Blunt object.
* Loaded Probe: Limited (0). Single use. Blunt object

Add the following to the list of Crafted Equipment in the rule Crafting:

Ingot and Conductive Wire + Rocket Fuel = Probe

Add a subrule to the rule Bases, called The Probaliser:

A Pathfinder whose Location in the Cortex Desert and who is carrying a Probem may use the Probaliser.

When a Pathfinder uses the Probaliser, they must carry out the following atomic action:
* Spend 1 Stamina and 1 Probe
* Roll 2DICEX, where X is the number of Locations.
* If the result matches the index number of a Location, create a Base there owned by the Computer. If there is an existing Base in that Location then it is destroyed and any Gear that it contained is lost.
* If the result does not match the index number of a Location, create a new Location with no links, and create a Base there.

In the rule Bases, change “A pathfinder sharing a location with a base may remove an item from the base’s gear to start carrying it, and may stop carrying an item to put it in the base’s gear” to “A pathfinder sharing a location with a base owned by themselves or the Computer may remove an item from the base’s gear to start carrying it, and may stop carrying an item to put it in the base’s gear.”


Kevan: he/him

24-08-2020 10:18:02 UTC

“Ingot + Conductive Wire + Rocket Fuel = Probe” isn’t a valid Crafting recipe - there should only be one plus, so that we know which are the Materials and which the Tools. (If you’re intending that all three items get used up, “Ingot and Conductive Wire + Rocket Fuel = Probe” would have the same effect, as Rocket Fuel is Single-Use when used as a Tool.)

Kevan: he/him

24-08-2020 10:26:06 UTC

Following on from that, “Probe + any other Equipment = Loaded Probe [X]” is a bit weird for not actually using up the other Equipment. It’d allow you to replicate objects, although not very efficiently.

Josh: he/they

24-08-2020 10:29:58 UTC

Thanks - I’m on a phone so I’ve taken the loaded probe stuff for now and will put it in a separate proposal later

derrick: he/him

24-08-2020 12:00:13 UTC


I’m not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, creating random locations without links feels like an awesome stub rule for pathfinders to blaze a trail to.

On the other hand, the probes behave suspiciously like unregulated nuclear weapons. We’ll only want to build bases in older locations, but even that isn’t completely safe.

Building a base in a location forbids a new one in that location OR in adjacent locations.


I’m really torn. I’m open to being convinced this isn’t an attempt to nerf bases.

Josh: he/they

24-08-2020 12:10:57 UTC

It’s more an attempt to generalise bases. Note that the probaliser always has < 50% chance of hitting an extant location, and that the requirements for building and using a probe are quite stiff, so they’re not going to be flying around willy nilly. I will cop to wanting to avoid bases being pooling by the back door but linking them more rigidly to the territory game feels much more fertile to me.

Kevan: he/him

24-08-2020 15:05:40 UTC

Not sure this does much to actually deter pooling.


Raven1207: he/they

24-08-2020 15:07:40 UTC


Lulu: she/her

24-08-2020 21:20:02 UTC



24-08-2020 23:02:51 UTC
