Sunday, June 27, 2021

Proposal: The Bloodsucker Proxy

At 3-6, the number of Vampire Lords who are not voting AGAINST it is less than Quorum. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 28 Jun 2021 22:29:03 UTC

Add a new rule to the dynastic ruleset, called The Proxy Vote:

Vampires have some limited mind control powers.

Richardo von Nestor has access to a special type of vote that can only be his vote on proposals. This vote is called PROXY and is signified with the purple up-arrow icon. Richardo von Nestor may only vote PROXY on proposals, and is encouraged to use it on proposals what only affect the balance of Vampire Lord-specific actions, such as proposals that affect Puissance costs for Power Actions.

On any proposal where Richardo von Nestor has cast a vote of PROXY, any Vampire Lord may spend 2 Puissance to use mind control by including the words “mind control” in their EVC. Any EVC that contains the words “mind control” for which the necessary Puissance spend cannot be evidenced remain EVCs but are not considered to contain the words “mind control” for the purposes of this rule.

On any proposal, at any given time, the Psychic Pressure is the voting icon used in the majority of the EVCs on that proposal that contain the words “mind control”. If there if no such majority then the Psychic Pressure is DEF. At any time, a vote of PROXY on a proposal is considered to be a valid vote in the same direction as the Psychic Pressure on that proposal.


Lulu: she/her

27-06-2021 15:19:37 UTC


Josh: he/they

27-06-2021 15:25:54 UTC

For why @Jumble

Clucky: he/him

27-06-2021 15:37:33 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

27-06-2021 15:43:24 UTC


Kevan: he/him

27-06-2021 15:50:29 UTC

against Not thrilled by the onus being on enacting admins to check that all mind controls are valid (an enactment being illegal if they are not), rather than accepting them as legal by default and in-game punishing those caught using them without correct payment.

Josh: he/they

27-06-2021 18:14:33 UTC

I’m a bit surprised by that objection - given that an apparent but false mind control can result in the emperor’s vote flipping, and thus carrying any DEFs with it, I thought it would be clearly important to ensure that proposals were adminned correctly in the first instance, rather than having subsequent chains of actions invalidated because Anya didn’t spend her 2 so that proposal should have failed, actually

Kevan: he/him

27-06-2021 18:45:51 UTC

I mean the rule could always accept the actions (something like “any player may perform Mind Control for free by announcing it, if they don’t deduct 2 Puissance within 24 hours for each such vote then they are Megrimmed and any player may turn them to Dust”), allowing admins to just process proposals based on votes and EVCs alone, and not have to worry about whether each action was correctly paid for.

It is absolutely important to ensure that proposals are adminned correctly, and your proposal would make it harder to do that - it’s asking admins to double-check proxy votes against the wiki history, when processing a proposal, and to pause the queue for a chat or a CfJ if there’s any ambiguity on whether a particular mind control action was performed correctly (if Anya makes a -2 Puissance edit of “I’m doing a thing” and casts two mind control votes on different proposals, which one is invalid, are they both invalid, etc).

Wiring game actions directly into the validity of votes does also mean that if we mess somebody’s Puissance up as a result of something else (“Anya’s Enthrallment last week was invalid, so she’s been Dust all week!”), we’ve suddenly changed the enactment timeline. Which we could get ourselves out of, but I’d rather not fall into it in the first place.

ais523: Custodian

28-06-2021 00:39:26 UTC

against partly per Kevan, and partly because this works while Bloodthirsty and is a cheaper way to get down to 13 than the current mechanisms.

Janet: she/her

28-06-2021 01:19:38 UTC

against per Kevan


28-06-2021 15:10:08 UTC

I think it’s a bad idea to disallow emergency vetoes.

Josh: he/they

28-06-2021 15:20:47 UTC

This proposal doesn’t disallow emergency vetoes - the emperor can change from PROXY to VETO (or any other vote) as freely as they would otherwise.

Chiiika: she/her

28-06-2021 19:19:07 UTC

against per Kevan.

Brendan: he/him

28-06-2021 22:24:20 UTC

against But only because I don’t have enough money to use this effectively.