Proposal: The Dark Project
Can’t reach quorum with 5 votes against. Failed 2 votes to 5, by Kevan.
Adminned at 22 Jul 2011 09:32:49 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Overkill:
Notwithstanding the prohibition in the rule entitled Death and Scorekeeping, if a Gladiator is ever in a position to claim more than one Frag for killing another Gladiator, they may optionally claim an Overkill instead of any Frag they may be entitled to for that death. Claiming an Overkill must be done in the same Turn as the death for which the Overkill is claimed.
A Gladiator who claims an Overkill on another Gladiator shall transfer all of that Gladiator’s Frags to themselves. This transfer is not subject to the Frag claim limitation for a single Death specified in the rule entitled Death and Scorekeeping.
Ways that Overkill can be achieved:
* Passing a stickybomb onto another gladiator then pushing them into acid or shooting them with a harpoon
* Any number of permutations involving the Spring-Mounted Propeller Panel
* Putting two stickybombs onto the same target and having them both go off
Prince Anduril: