Sunday, June 12, 2022

Proposal: The Fire Triangle

Timed out 0 votes to 2 with one unresolved DEF. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 14 Jun 2022 15:12:38 UTC

In the rule “Prophecy”, reword the Fire point from:-

The effect of Fire on a District is that the Focused Building in that District (if there are any Buildings there) is removed from the game, along with all other Buildings of that type in that District.


The effect of Fire on a District is that if the Focused Building in that District (if there are any Buildings there) is not Flooded, it is removed from the game. Then, if such a Building was removed, all other Buildings of that same type are also removed from that District.

Flooded buildings maybe shouldn’t be burning down.


Josh: he/they

12-06-2022 19:15:55 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

13-06-2022 16:36:38 UTC

against the way it currently is is more interesting

Kevan: he/him

13-06-2022 16:47:51 UTC

imperial Will pivot to an Imperial DEF on this, as it was only an idle thought.