Proposal: The Road Less Travelled
Times Out and Passes 7-2. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 12 Sep 2013 05:52:35 UTC
In the rule “Locations”, replace “As a Daily Action, an Apprentice may spend 1 Energy to change one of his Locations to any other available Location.” with:-
As a Daily Action, an Apprentice may spend X Energy to change one of his Locations to any chosen Location, where X is the chosen Location’s position in the list above.
And swap the position of “The Silent Bay” and “The Dark Forest” in the list in the rule “Locations”.
Add a subrule to “Powers” called “Move”:-
Change one of the Locations of [Apprentice] to [Location].
Cost: 2
Making some locations harder to reach than others, but allowing spells to take people there through magical means.