Thursday, November 22, 2012

Proposal: The Thin Blue Line

Quorums 6-0. — Quirck

Adminned at 24 Nov 2012 05:19:34 UTC

Add a new subrule to the rule entitled Marks, called The Black Mark:

The first time a Job fails, the Mastermind must make a GNDT comment with the names of each of the Crooks involved in that Job, and a roll of DICEn, where n is the number of Crooks in that list. The Crook whose position in that list matches the result of the DICE rules becomes the Undercover Cop.

Thereafter, whenever a Job fails the Mastermind must PM the Undercover Cop with a list of the names of the Crooks involved in that failed Job. The Undercover Cop may then secretly randomly select one of those Crooks, who becomes a Narc.

If the Undercover Cop becomes an Idle Crook, then a new Undercover Cop may be generated as per the first paragraph of this rule. If ever an idle Undercover Cop ceases to be idle, they do not resume the role of Undercover Cop unless there is no active Undercover Cop and there is no other eligible former Undercover Cop who can resume the role; however, each former Undercover Cop is always a Narc.

If ever the Undercover Cop knows that every active Crook is a Narc then they have achieved victory.

I anticipate multiple routes to victory; this is only one, and a pretty challenging one at that.

Narcs will have other impacts as well.



22-11-2012 16:25:28 UTC


Kevan: he/him

22-11-2012 17:24:02 UTC

against A player achieving victory on the basis of their own “secretly randomly” chosen numbers seems problematic.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

22-11-2012 17:43:34 UTC

Also really improbable, right? Happy to reform the mechanic but I thought it worth including so that there’s a defined direction of travel.


22-11-2012 18:54:26 UTC


Kevan: he/him

22-11-2012 19:02:03 UTC

imperial And in practice it’s impossible, I suppose, as not every BlogNomic player takes part in the game, so you’ll never collect the whole set.

Theme is odd, but can be tweaked.

quirck: he/him

22-11-2012 20:18:34 UTC



22-11-2012 21:08:49 UTC



23-11-2012 00:45:18 UTC

Wait. GNDT rolls are public, right? So everyone would know who the undercover cop is? Doesn’t seem like a good cover…

Kevan: he/him

23-11-2012 08:37:13 UTC

Yes, that’s why I thought the theme seemed odd. Crooks becoming Narcs against their will, and without realising, feels a little strange as well. But I’m sure it can go somewhere.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

23-11-2012 11:24:38 UTC

Cops coercing crooks that they have evidence on to act as a mole is a fairly common trope of detective fiction, right?

Kevan: he/him

23-11-2012 15:29:55 UTC

Sure, but it’s a bit oblique for a player not to know whether they’ve been coerced into becoming an informer. Fair enough that an expert informer would be indistinguishable in their behaviour, but if the theme is unintuitive, I think it’s harder to do anything with it.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

23-11-2012 15:34:37 UTC

Oh, balls, I forgot to put a mechanism in there for the UCC to notify narcs. That was dumb. Sorry.

A future proposal will fix that!