Proposal: Three hearts are better than one
Withdrawn and is failed -SingularByte
Adminned at 22 Jun 2022 19:01:02 UTC
Reword the rule The Heartbeat of Creation to be as follows:
The Heartbeat of Creation, The Heartbeat of Destruction and The Heartbeat of Corruption each are publicly tracked integers which defaults to 0.
At 00:01 UTC each Monday and Thursday the Heartbeat of Creation increases by 1, as does the Heartbeat of Destruction, but the Heartbeat of Corruption only increases each Monday 00:01 UTC; any Demiurge or script may update the tracking at any time to ensure that these values are up to date.
Some actions are Creation Beat Actions. The total number of Creation Beat Actions undertaken by each Demiurge in the dynasty so far is publicly tracked; whenever a Demiurge takes a Creation Beat Action they must increase their Creation Beat Action tracker accordingly. Creation Beat Actions may be undertaken at any time with the restriction that a Demiurge may not at any time have undertaken more Creation Beat Actions than the current Heartbeat of Creation.
Some actions are Destruction Beat Actions. The total number of Destruction Beat Actions undertaken by each Demiurge in the dynasty so far is publicly tracked; whenever a Demiurge takes a Destruction Beat Action they must increase their Destruction Beat Action tracker accordingly. Destruction Beat Actions may be undertaken at any time with the restriction that a Demiurge may not at any time have undertaken more Destruction Beat Actions than the current Heartbeat of Destruction.
Some actions are Corruption Beat Actions. The total number of Corruption Beat Actions undertaken by each Demiurge in the dynasty so far is publicly tracked; whenever a Demiurge takes a Corruption Beat Action they must increase their Corruption Beat Action tracker accordingly. Corruption Beat Actions may be undertaken at any time with the restriction that a Demiurge may not at any time have undertaken more Corruption Beat Actions than the current Heartbeat of Corruption.
Demon Demiurges may treat any of the three categories of Beat Action as if they belonged to one of the other two categories when performing any kind of Beat action - that is to say, they may increase their Destruction Beat Action count or their Corruption Beat Action count instead of their Creation Beat Action count when performing Creation Beat Actions, and likewise when taking Destruction Beat Actions and Corruption Beat Actions.
At each instance of “Beat Action” in the ruleset outside of the rule The Heartbeat of Creation, replace it with “Creation Beat Action”.
Create a subrule of The Heartbeat of Creation called Beating Too Slow with the following text:
If a Demiurge would ever have a tracked number of Creation Beat Actions that is more than 7 below The Heartbeat of Creation, they are considered to have been compelled into spending Creation Beat Actions to take the Making Camp action as defined in Supplies, repeating that action as many times as necessary to bring their Creation Beat Action count to exactly 7 below The Heartbeat of Creation.
If a Demiurge would ever have a tracked number of Destruction Beat Actions that is more than 7 below The Heartbeat of Destruction, they are considered to have been compelled into spending Destruction Beat Actions to take the Making Camp action as defined in Supplies, repeating that action as many times as necessary to bring their Destruction Beat Action count to exactly 7 below The Heartbeat of Destruction.
Any Demiurge or script may update the Health and Beat Actions of a Demiurge that has been compelled in this way in order to reflect the true Health and Beat counts.
In the rule “Supplies”, append the following.
A Demiurge may perform an atomic action known as Making Camp which is done as either a Creation Beat Action or a Destruction Beat Action. This action has the following steps:
* The Demiurge regains 40 health and has the option of expending any number of provisions they hold to regain an addition 30 health per provision spent.
* If the Demiurge is a demon, they regain an additional 60 health.
If Making Camp would result in a Demiurge having more than their maximum health (which by default is 100), they instead have their health set to their maximum health.If a rule compels the Demiurge to take the Making Camp action, provisions are not able to be expended for additional healing in that action.
If a rule called Guardian’s Arsenal exists and has the text string “Reduce your health by 5 times The Heartbeat of Creation.”, replace that text string with “Reduce your health by 5 times The Heartbeat of Destruction.”
This proposal intended to achieve a few things at once, but foremost among them is that it’s intended to stop infinite stockpiling of beats because otherwise nobody is going to do anything all game long until the end - and the extra beat types are intended to give some diversity to the actions so you don’t do the same thing over and over again. To my understanding, we have an automated counter for Heartbeats now (unless I’m mistaken) so I’m hoping that the overhead added won’t be significant. It’s up to you lot whether this is going to be too complicated.
Incidentally, it’s intentional that Corruption Beats stack infinitely. They appear less often than the others, and are intended to be a bonus for turning into a demon late game.
Josh: he/they