Proposal: Top of the World
Reached quorum 5 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 07 Nov 2012 03:16:21 UTC
Create a new rule titled “Scoop of the Century” with this text:
A Newspaper’s Reach is the sum of its Reputation Scores, modified as follows:
- If it has two Stances with opposite Wingedness, then its Balance counts double.
- If its Stance is Hard Right or Hard Left, then its Journalistic Integrity counts double and its Humor is inverted (i.e. multiplied by -1).
If an Editor’s Newspaper has Reach of at least 14:
- If they have no Skeletons In The Closet, then they have achieved victory.
- Otherwise, they may Come Clean by rolling DICE4; on a 1, they must lower their Newspaper’s Journalistic Integrity by 1; on a 2, they must lower their Newspaper’s Balance by 1. In any case, they may then lower their Skeletons in the Closet by 1. If their Newspaper has negative Understandability, then they instead roll DICE(4+2N), where N is the absolute value of their Newspaper’s Understandability.
Josh: he/they